I'm not leaving alone. - Comments

  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    This is deep and the ending just left me speechless. In Love

    At the first stanza, the narrator stares at a person (possibly lover) after saying something that that person didn't comprehend.

    The question that was never heard from the lover is answered in the statement mentioned right after. "You are coming with me."

    The poem followes the same pattern/motivo. The first stanza (along with the third and the fifth) are the lover's questions as well as their expressions and feelings for the situation at hand. While the second stanza (along with the fourth and sixth) are the answers from the narrator. Clap

    It's the place where everybody goes
    when they can't find another way out
    where night is morning
    and everything is unknown.

    "And I'm too scared to go alone
    so I'm taking you with me."

    To follow the pattern though, these lines have to be connected as a one stanza.

    When the narrator is explaining the place they'll go, its like he's talking for paradise inside hell of sorts. Creepy!

    "And I'm too scared to go alone
    so I'm taking you with me."

    That's heartbreaking though. Great ending! Victory

    -Maria. :)
    May 7th, 2014 at 03:43pm
  • Monstertea

    Monstertea (100)

    United States
    Really deep like how it flows and I like the ending lines because its so true
    January 25th, 2012 at 05:46am