Axis - Comments

  • What's in a name?

    What's in a name? (100)

    1st stanza:
    Great rhythm in the first stanza. Nice wording and good rhyming. Isn’t “like ghost in the snow” from one of MCR songs though?

    2nd stanza:
    Great imagery and flow. Simple words and simple rhyme, but it works real well.

    3rd stanza:
    Really love the first lines! They’re brilliant! But the flow is off and the rhyme doesn’t really flow smoothly. Unfortunately I think it’s the second line that messes it up. Even though the amount of syllables and words in this stanza follows a pattern I think it’s the fact that “invincible” has four syllables that makes the flow of the whole stanza uneven.

    4th stanza:
    Really pretty metaphors. Once again the rhythm is nice. The two “and” feels slightly repetitive though.

    5th stanza:
    Here you didn’t have a rhyme. All your other stanzas have them but this one doesn’t. It’s a no-no to break the rhyming pattern like this =P. Lovely imagery and phrasing however.

    6th stanza
    Same complements as I have given previous stanzas.

    7th stanza:
    Here the flow is a bit of again. And forest is spelled with one ‘r’.

    8th stanza:
    That this stanza also starts with ‘and’ feels a bit repetitive.

    9th stanza:
    Here you repeat both ‘and’ and ‘old’.
    Just gotta say that I love the word ‘dwindling’ (for the way it sounds) :mrgreen:

    10th stanza:
    Just too many ‘and’. Love the ending though, it finishes off the poem real well.

    Overall it’s an awesome poem. I don’t know if it’s too much like MCR lyrics but I hope it isn’t. Inspiration is great, plagiarism sucks. And I'm not accusing you of it :)
    October 23rd, 2007 at 10:57pm
  • Mindfreak.

    Mindfreak. (400)

    This reminded me way to much of MCR Lyrics. Especially "Ghost in the snow"
    February 21st, 2007 at 03:10am