5th and Germaine

There's a man on the corner of 5th and Germaine
In torn jeans
And a button-down jacket
With no shirt underneath.

A beer belly, so he can't be poor.
It sticks out under the jacket
Whose buttons are half broken off
And I'm sure the chill must sting
in this late autumn--
But no, he couldn't be poor.

So the people keep walking down Germaine.

She's wearing Gucci.
He's got a Rolex.
She's late for her spa.
He's off to a protest--
"How dare you take my taxes
and give them to the ones
without a job!"
(or a home, sir,
or a car, sir,
or a family, kind sir)

And this man on the corner of 5th and Germaine,
He looks a little lost.
He's not going to ask you for help though, sir.
You have more important things to do.
Keep walking past the corner of 5th and Germaine.

And don't let your conscience hurt you, kind sir.
You'll forget him in the morning.