A Marked Heart

A happy heart
A loving heart
A caring heart

A marked heart.

A smooth face
A laughing face
A pretty face

A marked face

A generous life
A calm life
A protected life

A marked life

Walking down the street
Not a care in the world
Heading for the party
Spirit soaring

Hiding in the shadows
Living in the dark
Nothing to live for
Not anymore

A suicide
A murder
A tragic loss
Not my fault
All your fault

He blames me
I have reason to
You killed him
I wasn't there
You were the cause

If you hadn't have fed his mind

He was obsessed

If you hadn't have given him the hope

I didn't!

If you had just let him be the boy he was supposed to be

I can't choose what he does with his life

No, but you were the reason why he ended it.

I didn't choose this

Neither did he

What are you doing?

If he can't live without you...

He's not living any more

...Then you can't live without him...

I saw him as a friend...nothing more

...So you can join him...


When your time on this earth has ended
Your soul is taken to another place
A better place,
while you are remembered

This is the tale told to inquisitive children
A tale taken from that night

On the anniversary of a suicide
One life was taken
One life was forfeited

This tale is taken from where the gathered crowd saw it themselves.

And all beleived what they saw,
All agreed silently at what had happened

She deserved it, her soul had gone to a better place.

All agreed on what they thought was true
Save one.

An untainted mind
among the tear choked crowd
Knew, without knowing
that the crowd was wrong

A better place does not exist
For a better place there could not be
than the one you have just left
Amongst the crowd only one could see

That you do not go to a better place

Just one that needs you.