
  • Addison "Addie" Collins (Me!)

    Addison "Addie" Collins (Me!)


    She's adventurous, spunky, sweet, sassy, caring, funny, and always willing to stick up for herself. She loves to draw and wants to become an artist. She's a bit of a tomboy but still is feminine. She grew up in Charleston, South Carolina but moved to her dad's hometown of Tulsa when she was 5. She loved growing up by the sea and feels the most calm at the beach. She grew up with Ponyboy and Johnny and she considers them her best friends, although she secretly always had a crush on Johnny. She thinks of the gang as her 2nd family and her closest friends. She loves them with all her heart. She loves her family and she's really close to her older brother, Bryce.

  • Johnny Cade

    Johnny Cade


    Johnny is a quiet and shy person. He has abusive parents and he considers his group of friends his family. He loves his friends and he's willing to do whatever it takes to protect them. He has been friends with Addie ever since they we're 5 and 6 but he began to like her when they were in 6th grade. He considers Addie and Ponyboy his best friends cuz he's the closest to them out of everyone in the gang.

  • Layla Collins

    Layla Collins


    Layla is Addie's mother. She's tall, very beautiful, and has blonde hair. She's a very patient, caring, and understanding woman. She grew up in Charleston, South Carolina and is very proud of her southern roots. She met her husband, Raymond, when she was out with friends and fell in love with him instantly. She loves her husband and children with all her heart and she wants the best for them. She believes that you don't have to be an adult or have to be a specific age to fall in love or to find that special someone since she married her husband at only the age of 17.

  • Raymond Collins

    Raymond Collins


    Raymond is Addie's father. He is a little over-protective about Addie because he considers her his "little girl" and always will no matter old she gets. He was good friends with the Curtis boys' father, who was his childhood friend. He grew up in Tulsa, but moved to South Carolina when he was 17 to find work and where he met his wife, Layla. They married at the ages of 18 and 17 and then had Addie and her older brother, Bryce. After losing his job, he decided to move his family back to his hometown. He doesn't mind the Greasers at all but sometimes worries about Addie's safety when she's with them.

  • Bryce Collins

    Bryce Collins


    Bryce is Addie's older brother. Like their dad, he's protective over Addie. He and Darry were best friends growing up and played football together in high school. After he graduated high school, he decided to go into the Marines.