GAH! I hate it when you write sad stuff, you do it way to well LOL this was incredibly touching, especially with the note, it was something i did when my uncle died a few years back and it definitely helped. Good chapter honey, i look forward to your next one
I cried again, but no one was around this time, so theres no one to call me a weirdo. I've actually done the burning of the letter and it helps a whole lot. You feel a release of some sort and Eden, I think, felt that release. Great chapter! Can't wait for more :)
I REALLY Like this. It's sad, but with such good reason. I'm looking forward to reading more, and wonder if you plan for Eden and Kris to be together. Can't wait for more!!!!
:'( *glares* no one's aloud to make me cry! :D just kidding. it was really good, but it's bugging me that I don't know what happened during that year... 'nyways! really can't wait for more, and thanks! makes me feel good... now I might be able to get some sleep... I wish. it's like 5 in the morning here, i'm sick as hell but yet can't sleep... bleh!