Intensified. Rewritten. - Comments

  • AliceHumanSacrifice.

    AliceHumanSacrifice. (100)

    This was really pretty.
    I thought the 'spot' you were describing was really great.
    Because it made me think that there must be some people or maybe a lot of people out there, who have their own little spot to go to when there in need of being alone with themsevles.
    I think a lot of people could relate to this, I know I could.
    It reminded me a lot of somewhere I used to go back home<3
    When you started describing how she would go there, when she was sad, mad, frustrated or feeling whatever and then she realized she was saying it aloud.
    I was like :O
    Haha, it was sweet when he was rubbing her hand.
    I had an "Aweeeeeeeee" moment haha(:
    So overall, I enjoyed reading this and I think it was written well<3
    September 21st, 2010 at 11:28pm