Shock - Comments

  • laceybebe

    laceybebe (100)

    “No,” he sighed, “I’ve been traded.”

    I pulled into the nearest spot I could and parked my car. “You what?”

    “They traded me to Chicago for Kris Versteeg. I’m done here in Toronto,” he sighed.

    screw you brian burke. i want my vik back. now!

    “Babe, there’s nothing that you could have done. You played your heart out every night. I know that you were one of Brian’s favourites, and he probably tried everything to keep you. In the end you’re going to a team that will welcome you with open arms and will make you a better player. Think of this as an opportunity, not something that you failed on.”
    verrrrrrry true. it took me a while to finally come to terms with it, but that whole statement is true.

    “I know, I’m your better half. So, what’s the plan?”
    what i wouldnt give to be that man's better half. hhhahah <3

    honestly. i really loved this. it was super cute.
    one day i fully plan on marrying vik and i hope it goes something like that....minus the whole trade thing :)
    i loved that you based it on a real event.
    i thiiiiink you should make this an actual story.
    just because i know that i would love to read it. :)
    a girl can hope, right?

    anyways....i loved this.
    great job <3
    July 24th, 2010 at 09:48am