A Year and an Ocean of Distance - Comments

  • UnFlappaBelle

    UnFlappaBelle (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    They had a twitter conversation the other day, It wasn't just the 13 year old me who thought eyeliner and skinny jeans were the hottest things ever on guys freaking out, I might have been staring at the screen in shock for a moment or two. :') But I still love guys in skinny jeans, some stuff hasn't changed in two years :P

    Tl;dr I really liked this :) It satisfied my weird and quiet Ryden fantasies.
    October 27th, 2010 at 09:26pm
  • The Way

    The Way (1400)

    Best lines:

    What had they done? Had this just happened? Where were they? What year was it? Who were they? Was this real? Had they died and gone to Heaven?


    "...if I had to change why the fuck couldn’t you change? Why’d you get to stay the same?”

    “You really think I was going to give up the last tie I had to you?”

    Why didn't you tell me about this? I even got a ded how dare you keep this from me <3__<3

    Though to be quite frank, as I was reading, it didn't feel like your best work. It wasn't. I think you wrote it in the spur of the moment and was just so compelled by the circumstances that it all came toppling out and frankly I'm jealous of how quickly it comes to you. Two thousand words of emotion, and it actually said something - so stylistically speaking there were flaws, and some wording was awkward, but I wouldn't want you to change it. Because in reality we don't always say the things that flow along to the narration to our heads, and something can be flawed but we love it anyway. It's the weird thing that makes this perfect, Dru. It depicted some kind of hope and emotion in that moment that if you even edited it a little bit it wouldn't be so clear anymore. I could actually read this better, not just as a story but a piece of writing with trapped little feelings inside it. I hope you got what I'm saying xD
    September 3rd, 2010 at 07:51am
  • sansa.

    sansa. (250)

    United Kingdom
    "That was his Ryan. The eyes couldn’t change. Too wide and taking in everything. So fucking alive, like every emotion in the world was contained in those fucking irises."

    This line, this. Beautiful. Work of art.
    As always, you are amazing. Thank you for writing it.
    August 30th, 2010 at 12:54am
  • The Color Abi

    The Color Abi (300)

    United Kingdom
    This was just pure amazingness
    I'm so happy about the photos and this one shot just makes me squeal like a little girl and pray they get back together (because they totally were once together)
    August 29th, 2010 at 02:49pm
  • Melly Belly.

    Melly Belly. (205)

    United States
    So this comment isn't going to give how I feel right now justice.

    I love how much detail you gave to explaining how there bodies fit together and they fit with each other. It's like they are meant to be and no matter what they will always be each others. Because it is so true.

    He didn’t even realize he was crying until he felt Brendon hastily wipe at his cheeks.

    That’s when I first started crying and couldn’t stop. I couldn't even see and I was just trying to breath. It was like I was feeling so many emotions and the whole situation caught up with me.

    And then Brendon started crying.

    The tears came back. But they soon left because then they started being happier and wow.
    Everything was perfect Dru. So perfect. <3
    August 29th, 2010 at 08:23am
  • demented_rockstar

    demented_rockstar (100)

    United States
    My god that was fucking amazing, I read this multipal times, and everytime I smiled like a fucking idiot. It was so believable, and so well written. Like I can't even describe how much I loved this <2+1 You are amazing... That is all

    Much Love
    JAzz <2+1
    August 28th, 2010 at 08:19pm
  • wicked ways

    wicked ways (100)

    I didn't like how the layout was really wide and so was the picture but whatever.

    The story was quite cool, I really enjoyed reading and commenting on this. There was a few small grammatical errors but nothing too major. I didn't like all the sex though, I'm not a fan of sex scenes, really. >.<

    Overall, this was quite good and enjoyable. Well done. <3
    August 28th, 2010 at 07:57pm
  • Silly Box Cat.

    Silly Box Cat. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I had to laugh when I saw this because as soon as I saw that picture I was like, "Yay! There's gonna be an angst! and porn! fic explosion!" So far I've read one angst, one porn and one angsty porn!

    I think this is possibly my favourite because while it lacks the angst, it has fluff and sex!

    The picture made my week, but this made my day. And you have a nice one. *Tips hat*
    August 28th, 2010 at 03:11pm
  • spector

    spector (250)

    United Kingdom
    I feel like I should tell you everything this made me feel and think about but just ugh. This fic. I don't even have words. Just lots of incoherent flailing and italics.

    It's just - ridiculously canon and so real to read and you write them so perfectly. It was so them and hot and achy and hurt and the humour just made it all work. These boys just make it so easy!

    My heart. You can take it now, seriously.
    August 28th, 2010 at 11:10am
  • obscene.

    obscene. (510)

    Russian Federation
    This will be a terrible comment, but you'll get a better one later.
    I can't rest my laptop on my leg & I don't have a desk so typing furiously isn't going to happen right now. BUT- thank you for the little shout out. :3 And the story, well l'll thank you for writing that too.
    It was such a mixture of things. Not only was it hot, but it had a blend of happiness and a twinge of sadness and even a bit of cuteness & humour. It was just so lovely.
    I'll come back and give a better comment when I can!
    August 28th, 2010 at 07:45am
  • animrod

    animrod (100)

    United States
    I'm not going to be one of those assholes who reads and doesn't comment. So here's my review, Dru. (hehe, that rhymed)

    First off, this whole work of fucking art was like sinking into a warm bath. We've been here before - Ryan and Brendon, just two boys in love. Fucking. Making love. Whatever you want to call it. But at the same time, there's something off.

    It is, as you so aptly put it, the year and ocean of distance.

    (Can I just take a moment I say I love how you created such a solid and believable storyline from a picture? A twitpic, no less?)

    Warm, he felt warm. Light, happy.

    God, just the idea of Ryan and Brendon together again, smiling, feeling light and happy... it's enough to fucking warm my own crippled little heartstrings, and that's hard to do.

    there was the hint of weed and sweat and sweetness and lyrics that had always been Ryan’s own personal taste.

    OH MY G O D HOW DO YOU DO THAT? Just the one word - lyrics - completely made that sentence fantastic. I can't even describe how much I love that sentence.

    And there were the dips in his hipbones, curve of that ass.

    Can I just say... DAT ASS.

    “Now.” Ryan choked out. “Just. Fucking need you, Bren.” He didn’t even realize he was crying until he felt Brendon hastily wipe at his cheeks.

    Those words made ME want to cry and I'm not even sure why. I think it's the idea of Ryan needing Brendon, I think it's the visual of Brendon wiping Ryan's tears, it's just like... oh god, Druscilla Ryan, just HOW.

    Thrusts like fucking punches to the gut, sharp and quick and repeated and just pulling every breath out of both of them.

    Fucking. Hot. I love how real and needy and honest the initial sex was.

    The angles and curves and the pieces of their bodies fit together like they’d been fucking made for each other, like there’d never been any other way for them to be.

    I'm being completely serious when I say I agree with this sentence. I believe in Ryden and I believe in fanfiction and aslfjlj I don't even know how to express what this sentence means to me, what sentences like this do to me.

    The boys smoking together was something I've never read before. It was really interesting to read, and also terribly realistic. This whole piece was also very realistic... it's like you were there with them, last night, and you wrote down what happened like only you could.

    “We’re remembering.” he mumbled in reply.

    This made my heart sink. I'm not too sure why.

    Jon's words were like a punch to the face. I reread them a few times because they were so sharp, so biting, and I felt bad for Ryan, because they were also so true.

    “You really think I was going to give up the last tie I had to you?”

    GOD THAT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. SO. BEAUTIFUL. Like, if this was true, I would melt into a puddle. Seriously. I'm speechless at that very notion! Wow! Shit! Fuck! I just... whoa! Do you understand what I'm trying to get across?

    This story is also the perfect example of the difference between fucking and lovemaking, because it has gorgeous examples of both.

    Brendon almost smirked and closed his eyes again. “Told you I’d fuck you so hard you couldn’t forget me.”

    Aaaaaand a snap of Dru humor. Perfect ending to a perfect story.
    August 28th, 2010 at 06:45am
  • noonan

    noonan (100)

    United States

    This was amazing. I loved it. I don't need to talk about your style of writing or your grammatical righteousness, because you already know that you're awesome with that.

    "You bastard." Ryan was crying then.

    This line, this paragraph, was just perfect. It was exactly the way Ryan would be: So, so reluctant to cry and hating himself for it, but doing so because he was with Brendon.

    Also, I think R is okay- besides the one paragraph depicting Ryan's cock and Brendon's hands, the sex isn't quite as detailed as it is in NC-17 fics.

    God, just, I can't even. Fantastic.
    August 28th, 2010 at 06:31am
  • tabula rasa.

    tabula rasa. (120)

    United States
    Wow. This is gonna be a crappy comment-- but I at least have to tell you that I loved this Cute
    It was just incredibly well written (as usual) and just absolutely perfect.
    Beautiful job In Love
    August 28th, 2010 at 06:27am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    New story.
    Based on the events of last night.
    I rated this R, but if you think it ought to be NC-17, let me know.



    August 28th, 2010 at 05:06am