Secrets Can Only Be Secrets For So Long - Comments

  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    First of all,
    thank you so much for joining Lili and I's contest,
    and also for getting your entry completed in time.
    It definitely shows your maturity as a writer, and we both greatly appreciate it.
    I also would like to apologize for the wait on your review.
    My life has been crazy, but here we go now! (:

    I enjoyed the shortness of this entry.
    It was refreshing and simple to read, for sure.
    I must admit that I found the point of view to be a bit confusing at first,
    but once I went back and read the first paragraph again it was okay.
    I liked your description of the club scene,
    I think you did a great job illustrating the setting of your story.

    Your secret was also show cased well within this entry.
    As a reader, it was easy for me to see and feel the conflict
    that the protagonist felt over his hidden secret.
    I do wish that his twin was discussed more though,
    and maybe more turmoil could have been described?
    The way you ended the story made me feel as if something was missing.
    I think that maybe more could have happened with this story,
    although I do admit to liking cliffhangers here and there.

    All in all,
    good effort on this entry.
    I can tell that you tried really hard on this,
    so thank you for that.

    Once again,
    thanks for joining this!

    Good luck. <3
    September 19th, 2010 at 02:07am