Twisting and Turning Colors. - Comments

  • Fandango

    Fandango (775)

    Neutral Zone
    This was just so...well thought out. That's the best way to describe it. Like it was effortless, yet you had the entire story planned down to the smallest detail.

    Just. Yes. I liked it. I loved it. I loved Brendon. I hated Ryan, but wanted him to have Brendon anyway. This was just so much yes.
    October 7th, 2012 at 08:21pm
  • robbsdead

    robbsdead (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This story was wonderful. There was so much emotion in every sentence, and you pulled it off amazingly. You write like Druscilla, I just thought I'd let you know.
    January 15th, 2012 at 06:28pm
  • Aria T'Loak

    Aria T'Loak (150)

    United States
    First off, the layout was extremely lovely. I loved the contrast between the black and white and the color of the Rubik’s cube. :) Ugh, you had me sad just with the first little bit. I really love your descriptions and emotions. I adored how you used the Rubik’s cube throughout the entire thing. It was really, really unique and it worked so well. I nearly cried on this one, just because Ryan and Brendon are so adorable and one of my favorite slash pairings, and I hated seeing them so afkljaslkdjf. I also adored how you spread it out over a year, and made it all flow so smoothly and made it all mesh together so well. That was adorable and sad and slk;fajasl;kjfds. I’m sorry but I don’t have a proper word for it. lmfao Excellent job!

    <3 Haven
    August 20th, 2011 at 03:02am
  • dreamcatcher;

    dreamcatcher; (255)

    New Zealand
    I really enjoyed this, you pulled off the idea really really well I think and I absolutely LOVE the structure of the story with the months!! I personally think this story stands by itself without it having to be a fanfic, although I do love Panic at the Disco haha and especially Ryan :D I think if it'd been an original it still would've been just as good!!

    They way you structured the story around the rubix cube and came back to it frequently was a brilliant idea. I find too many fanfics focus too much on who the people are & then the sex. I loved how this had just the right amount of everything!! As well as being quirky, funny, sweet, sad and lovely all rolled into one!

    Althought I do think as a fanfic, the way you portrayed the people wasn't quite right somehow, which is why in the end I read it as more of an original with coinsidental names. But I still think it all came together in the end very well :)

    Good work and good luck in the competition for So You Think You Can Write :D
    August 5th, 2011 at 10:32am
  • Natalie!!

    Natalie!! (250)

    United States
    Summary/Layout- I was actually somewhat pleasantly surprised by how classy that layout was. I honestly sat there for a good five minutes and stared. I’m honestly desperately in love with that picture. I’m a sucker for long summaries, but I actually really enjoyed yours. There was something about it that drew me in almost instantly.

    January- I thought the description of the couch was brilliant. Your wording was eloquent, but not in a way that took several readings to understand. The description of the sticker peeling off made me smile, because it was something I easily related to. There was just something so…. cute about the whole section.

    February- Again, your furniture descriptions really got me. I like how you talk about the scarred coffee table and Ryan only wearing one sock. You don’t over describe, but I have a very clear picture in my head, which takes talent on your part. I was already thoroughly impressed by the writing by this point.

    March- Though this is all far from my life, it still remains extremely relatable. Personally, slash isn’t my thing but I don’t mind it in the least bit. I like how innocently this is portrayed, to the point that people who oppose slash could comfortably read it. Your diction is stunning, and I’m extremely drawn in.

    April- The way you start off each month is unique, and I actually somewhat could picture the whole scene already just by those first phrases. There’s almost a hint of mystery throughout the thing, maybe more accurately descried as curiosity. The only thing that kind of stopped me was that you said the glass was barely clinging to his hand. I think you may have meant that his hand was barely clinging to the glass.

    May- Again, I like how you don’t make kissing into something dirty. It’s almost innocent in a way, and the mini golf only adds to that effect.

    June- For some reason, I liked June. Just the way it looked was…. Nice.

    July- I like that slash isn’t just some slut-fest for you. You don’t make things any dirtier than they have to be, which is unique. I thought the soap opera reference was aptly placed, and overall enjoyed this month.

    August- I feel like I actually may have been sad to read this month. The emotions were really getting to me, if that makes any sense at all.

    September- I really liked what Jon said about the grease. I think it’s kind of cute in a strange way that Ryan knows it’s Brendon’s arm. I kind of laughed at this one.

    October- I REALLY liked the last two sentences of this one. It all just added another layer to the emotion, giving the story more depth.

    November- I kind of wondered why you chose the name Spencer for the girl, since that was the only band member you didn’t include, and he’s… you know… a boy. Other than that, this may’ve been my favorite month.

    December- I like that Brendon can’t stay mad, and I like how quickly but believably you change the tone. The ending was possibly THE most perfect thing you could’ve done. I actually reread it a few times and just smiled.

    Overall, I am SO freaking impressed with this. You are extremely talented, and I hope you know that. I’ll definitely be looking into more of your work. You added just the right amount of humor, and the overall tone was exceedingly unique, just like the story line. I was very impressed.
    June 29th, 2011 at 09:10pm
  • dirtylittlesecret

    dirtylittlesecret (100)

    United States
    oh my god. This is actually purely amazing. I love it.
    May 14th, 2011 at 04:52am
  • RiverStyx

    RiverStyx (100)

    United States
    Simply Amazing.
    May 13th, 2011 at 09:47pm
  • EscapeTheFall

    EscapeTheFall (100)

    I found this by random and it is really, really good. :)
    I love the whole idea of it, with the cube and everything. I loved it.
    May 12th, 2011 at 07:01pm
  • anders.

    anders. (100)

    United States
    That was fantastic.
    You should be proud.
    May 11th, 2011 at 03:05am
  • nikkisixxsicles

    nikkisixxsicles (100)

    I absolutely loved this. So much :)
    May 10th, 2011 at 05:57pm
  • demented_rockstar

    demented_rockstar (100)

    United States
    OMG awesome!!!!
    My one thing is the part where you say "he only had one side left" or something of the sort.... he would have at least two sides left.... because you can't have only one side not completed.... sorry I'm a little OCD about little things....
    But other then that, the whole thing was super amazing
    I shall have to read more of your stuff
    JAzz <2+1
    May 10th, 2011 at 03:39am