Why Don't I Just Drop Dead? - Comments

  • College is much better. It really is.

    I'm not graduating, but I am going to college next year. I'm dual enrolling.

    I also have three jobs. And High school to still deal with. Along with emotional problems... And I'll shut up now, I didn't mean to go there.

    I really hope things get better in college. <3
    May 21st, 2010 at 01:24pm
  • Ha,


    You've changed again

    change is good

    At times

    You know I have a friend, and she's a lot like you used to be, just she's hardly ever online and she lives in Florida. And she doesn't like religion. But she's sweet, and really hard working. She's nice and has some really great advice too. Wish I wasn't so foolish and would take it instead of throwing it aside for later *shrugs*

    Mhmm, so for our co authored story, are you waiting for me to update that? Just curious.

    Drop me a line If you feel like it. I've changed too. I'm not as foolish as I was before *points to first comment*
    October 20th, 2009 at 05:15am
  • I wish I could delete all the comments I left on here.

    If the new you drops friends like me like flies and is homophobic and all that other lovely stuff, I don't like her. But. Of course that doesn't matter to you <3

    Honestly, if Dujo or one of the mods see this, please delete all my comments to MusicSavedMyLife

    thank you <3
    July 19th, 2009 at 04:47am
  • *huggles Kaya tightly*

    I didn't read this until just now... 4:03 am Monday morning. ^_^

    Honey-bear. Your first kiss isn't that important. Mine was with Joey. I'm straight... how awful is that? lol. It wasn't even that bad. Even though nothing happened at all.... hardly

    *kisses Kayas cheek* You know I am here for you during school, right? I'm here for you infinity and beyond. No matter what you need, love, I am here.

    Update Spoon!
    August 18th, 2008 at 10:07am
  • wow
    You really need guts to speak for yourself like this; although I can't relate to most of these, I would give you one simple advice, that has saved my life:
    Be yourself, for yourself. Do not try to please everyone else just to feel like you're wanted, because trust me, that does not works.
    And about that thing bout the sides that you've been, be on your own side! ^_^ It works for me
    If you need anything just aks ^_~ cuz you can always make new friends, but keeping your closest friends with you.
    July 25th, 2008 at 04:52am
  • I can so relate! And I'm so sorry!!!! *cries* Grrr I hate not having anything to say!!!! Just know that you can talk to me about anything! OK?!?!?!?!
    May 31st, 2008 at 08:11pm
  • i loved it.....
    i can relate starting out as a loser, no friends, no taste in music, nothing, all i did was what i was supposed to while i listened to my parents fight with eachother.
    music saved me....green day was my first band....even if i started with american idiot, i listened to that thing over-and-over for two months in the summer of my 7-8 grade year....it made me feel so many things that i loved yet hated, i was suicidal, too scared to do it, but i broke out of my shell.....it wasn't easy, and i'm still not all the way....but damn i'm a lot better than i was....thanks for the (journal entry/autobiography i guess)
    May 5th, 2008 at 06:12am

    In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love In Love = Me to you.

    *huggles Kayas tight*


    NO ONE!!!!

    She's mine! and no one is allowed to hurt her!!

    I won't let anyone!



    You hurt her, I get mad... and Emmy doesn't get mad often... so when she does.... not a good thing...

    *huggles Kayas*

    Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry
    April 26th, 2008 at 07:04pm