Got It All in the End - Comments

  • lovergirl5036

    lovergirl5036 (100)

    United States
    I honestly don't think Carson can deal with a relationship for a while. I still feel she needs to find herself and be more secure in who she is. I know she loves Jack but I think she needs to find her way and make sure she can do things on her own so that if the bottom falls out from Jack and Carson she can survive and know she can do it. I hope that they'll stay together but my gut tells me that her mom isn't done with her batshit routine and I just can't help but question if he can actually deal with it. I really do love them together, but I think they're a long way from happy ever after.
    March 13th, 2013 at 11:17pm
  • iconicsmt

    iconicsmt (100)

    United States
    Aww, the ending made me melt! Exactly what I would have done. Okay, I probably would have done something *before* going to sleep if I had had Jack in bed with my humble self, but I digress. So sweet - I hope it works out for them!! (nudge, nudge, wink, wink...) Mr. Green
    February 26th, 2013 at 07:18am
  • allwewilleverknow23

    allwewilleverknow23 (100)

    Omg such a good chapter!! I had tears in my eyes, way to go carson! Update soon!!! :)
    January 27th, 2013 at 05:13am
  • lovergirl5036

    lovergirl5036 (100)

    United States
    Oh my God. I'm so happy Carson is being independent and soothing her inferiority complex. Carson's mom is, in a word, an unfit mother who doesn't give a flying fuck about her kids. When you leave a kid alone so you can fuck some random guy you officially need to have the mom card revoked. I just knew Carson would have to take Levi, but I assume the only reason she gives a shit is Levi means extra food stamps/well fare to flip for drugs or so she can have an out if she wants money and Carson won't give it to her, well she'll threaten to take Levi away. If as a mom has no clue where her child is the cops should be called either because the kid is missing or CPS should be on their doorstep. That house also is probably a sanitary nightmare. And thank God Carson stood up to her mom when she pulled the 'I gave birth to you' card. Their mother honestly needs to be put in a mental institution or at least be evaluated. And Jack has returned! Now I love Cara as she seems to care about Carson and now Levi. I'm glad he cares about her but now he will be thrust in the dad role, there almost certainly will be a custody battle, and there's all the crazy stalker that is Kelly. He also needs to explain himself about what exactly was his history with Kelly. Update soon!
    January 27th, 2013 at 03:45am
  • JDStanley

    JDStanley (100)

    United States
    @ AshleyVC88
    I'll have an update for this one either tomorrow or Monday!!!!
    January 19th, 2013 at 06:48pm
  • AshleyVC88

    AshleyVC88 (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh. I need an update, woman!!! This is drama-filled greatness!
    January 19th, 2013 at 02:07pm
  • JDStanley

    JDStanley (100)

    United States
    @ lovergirl5036
    Well hopefully in the next chapter it will be explained what is going on or how Kelly found out. But you never know they may just end up on dateline!!!! Wink
    January 4th, 2013 at 04:15am
  • lovergirl5036

    lovergirl5036 (100)

    United States
    Okay Kelly, at this point, is a straight up stalker. I hope he was living in the same house as he was dating her or else this is going to end up on dateline. Calling him John has to be a blow, its like his mother reprimanding him. But I have to say thank God Carson stood to her guns, because I was certain she was going to back out. Now unfortunately I think Jack actually said and released his frustrations about the lifetime movie that is Carson's family. Because otherwise Carson's mom is blabbing this story all over or Kelly should be hit with a restraining order. I hope she finds a place and proves to herself that she can make it with no ones handouts before she goes back to Jack or else this inferiority complex will be magnified. Update soon!
    January 4th, 2013 at 04:04am
  • iconicsmt

    iconicsmt (100)

    United States
    I love this story! It's fast-paced, but detailed and emotionally involving. Can't wait for an update! Awesome!
    December 13th, 2012 at 01:19am
  • lovergirl5036

    lovergirl5036 (100)

    United States
    The more I read of Carson, the more her large inferiority complex and the idea the she cant screw up because her background already means (in her opinion) that every mess up is an opportunity for Jack to break up with her for someone who has a home life not straight out of an episode of "All My Children." And I knew that the jersey winning girl would be straight up insane for Jack. God I just wanted to face palm that Sherlock holes of a girl when she was so brash that she was trying to seduce Jack while she was unintentionally in front of his girlfriend. And I got to say, go Carson! Carson is someone who is obviously fearful of life post Jack, but him and this ex who go 'way back,' (I really wonder who this is) did raise red flags. I understood she wouldn't be smiles and rainbows after this development, but he could of at least told her. I just hope she doesn't find this cause to go back to mommy dearest, but hopefully she'll play hard to get; maybe even make Jack jealous. Update soon!
    December 7th, 2012 at 01:47pm
  • lovergirl5036

    lovergirl5036 (100)

    United States
    Of course Carson's mom crashes Thanksgiving. I was shocked she hadn't come as soon as she hit bail. I'm proud that she stood up to her mother, because honestly no matter how estranged they are they're still family. But I'm waiting for Jack to snap. Because he can look past her family craziness and love her all he wants, but at some point everyone's going to be frustrated of dealing with someone else's family being a shit show in ice. At some point I expect him to not want to deal with Carson's issues, if only for a moment. Update soon!
    November 9th, 2012 at 01:59am
  • lovergirl5036

    lovergirl5036 (100)

    United States
    Okay, Carson and Jack having sex in Cara and RJ's house with everyone hearing must be incredibly awkward. Joey interests me as a character as Carson said if there was no Jack she'd date Joey. Maybe I'm the only one thinking Carson will get drunk and make out with Joey. The fact that she calls him John is actually kind of special (it's his name but most everyone calls him Jack). At this point I'm ready for the real disaster to happen, whether it's Carson getting Levi and Jack's not as prepared as he thinks, Carson's mom showing up at her door looking for a roof and cash, or something romantic. Then things'll get interesting. Because Carson seems to be someone where if one thing goes wrong she'll spiral out of control simply because of the fear of losing what she sees as her family. Update soon!
    October 18th, 2012 at 03:00am
  • lovergirl5036

    lovergirl5036 (100)

    United States
    I think Carson's embarrassment comes from her childhood. She feels as if being with Jack and not having to struggle financially is almost the world paying her back for her shitty home life. Because of this, she feels that if she gets too emotional or acts too clings, she'll drive Jack away and have to go back to her life of hardship. I feel sympathetic for her as she no doubt has a slight inferiority complex. Wait, how did the mom now where Carson was? That just screams creepy. And I knew mommy dearest would be asking for bail money, and expect Carson to hand it out, no questions asked, so I commend her for breaking the cycle. Honestly, I understand women are catty, but why should any of the WAGs give a shit of Carson's backstory. Maybe some WAG has a friend who she'd just love Jack to meet, with a bit more stability in her home life? Now I'm half convinced someone's going to the press (they always do), but doesn't Jack know about Carson's family being a shit show on ice? Because if he does, then this issue is water under the bridge for them. But if he doesn't, well shit meet the fan. I don't think Carson's family knows much about Jack outside his occupation, but if something is written about 'Jack Johnson's girlfriend's family drama' and they find out their address, things could get ugly quick. And I hope Levi's situation gets sorted out in some way, because poor kid. Update soon!
    September 25th, 2012 at 11:43pm
  • Marinesister92

    Marinesister92 (150)

    United States
    I just got around to posting the comments I had written down, so here it goes. I love that you used twitter as a part of the chapter. It made it seem more time related. The whole time i laughed because it seemed so lovey because she was so in love with him but at the same time i wanted her to give him a cold shoulder because of the fact that he was being annoying. but their whole relationship is just so cute. I want to know more about her.
    P.s. I will be commenting on every chapter and leaving your creativity score i'll comment on chapter 2 when the deadline gets here.
    September 4th, 2012 at 04:12pm
  • lovergirl5036

    lovergirl5036 (100)

    United States
    So Carson's mom was a drug addict, well I kind of assumed- either that or an alcoholic- so it makes sense. Carson was thrust in the surrogate mother position after a traumatic experience. I assume mommy dearest wasn't working and whatever money she does get goes to the nearest drug dealer. As soon as the aunt called I knew she wanted money- whenever someone from a financially strained family/area gets money suddenly any person you've seen in your life flocks to you, and I have a feeling that's what's happening. To her family it was a forgone conclusion that Carson would bail mom out and maybe unintentionally leave her aunt and mom a bit on the side (say bail was $4,000 well they'd ask for $7,000). But my thought is that Levi is going to end up with Carson as clearly mom is well acquainted with CPS while aunt Catherine obviously couldn't give a flying fuck. Now this is where I sense conflict, Jack's now- courtesy of Carson- getting an insta-family with Carson more then likely adopting (or at least taking in) Levi. Some people can deal being forced into the automatic parent role, like Carson, while others simply can't, and I have a feeling this won't be easy for Jack. Update soon!
    August 26th, 2012 at 06:14am
  • lovergirl5036

    lovergirl5036 (100)

    United States
    Oh, I have a feeling Carson was not well off pre-Jack. I don't know why but the idea that there was nothing she called her's makes me wonder if she was homeless/ or in a family where money's tight and you can only where hand-me-downs? And also this jersey contest is peeking my interest. I'm waiting for the winner being an obsessed fan who's more then ready to replace Carson. Plus a little fluff is okay at the beginning, because I'm putting my money on the fact that there'll be trouble in paradise (there always is).
    August 16th, 2012 at 09:25pm