Into The Wind - Comments

  • Camille Rose

    Camille Rose (100)

    United States
    To start off, I liked how simple the layout is, though I found it hard to read with the white font against a blue background. Otherwise, it wasn't too bad.

    As for the story itself, I find Valerie's powers of hearing voices in the wind and feeling other's emotions to be pretty interesting. I can imagine it's incredibly overwhelming though, hearing voices and also having to feel likes like anger and sadness constantly. I'm ver curious about what Tyler's deal is though! He can hear the voices in the wind too? I wonder what you'll do with that (though considering this hasn't been updated in a couple years, I probably won't find out much haha). Nice work though so far!
    June 27th, 2015 at 10:15pm
  • Tubinator

    Tubinator (100)

    United States
    I don't understand how you come up with all this, but it's amazing. Babe, this story is phenomenal. The end of chapter 6 killed me, haha. I've never been so sucked into reading. Keep it up sweetie :)
    December 11th, 2012 at 02:34am
  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    I found this story via comment swap!

    That is completely unfair how you left me hanging in the sixth chapter, haha. Alright, here goes. There are quiet a few spelling mistakes and grammar ones too, but I really didn't give a damn, your story captivated me.

    Furies? I am in love with your story because of your use of furies! That Tyler guy sounds a bit sassy, and poor Valarie! I would hate to have to feel everyone's emotions! I can only imagine how taxing and draining that would be.

    All in all, I am in live with this story and I honestly hope you update it! I shall be recommending it as well. Great job!

    P. S. You completely had me at your summary. The amount of mysterious in it is what completely drew me in. 
    December 8th, 2012 at 11:58pm
  • goatman

    goatman (100)

    United States
    Okay, hi, from the comment swap, and first things first, there's a error in the summary. You wrote 'drak' instead of dark. Just a little thing, but that can make a huge first impression in your story.
    In the first chapter alone, there's some more grammatical errors. Some words had extra e's and stuff like that. Just, make sure you proof read a little closer; it's something I need to work on too.
    You have amazing description in your story, and the plot seems really interesting and original, but, at times, I feel like you're moving too fast. Slow things down, and maybe explain more on their emotions rather than just their actions.
    Great job.
    December 7th, 2012 at 07:16am