It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 45

*William’s POV*

Something was wrong, I could feel it like a big lump in my throat I felt weird.

“Hey” I heard someone shout from behind me

I turned to see Gabe walking quickly towards me. I wasn’t to excited to see him but I had a feeling I knew what he was going to address me about.

“Will hey, I need to talk to you” his faced looked worried and a little sickly

“What do you want?”

“I’m not here to fight or argue about Chloe but I feel something is wrong. I can’t explain it but I think Vicky might be up to something”

“You feel it too? Gabe I’m not entirely sure I can trust you. And what makes you think I’d want to help you get Chloe?” I asked

“Because you love her maybe not as much as I do because that’s not possible, but you love her” he said in a cocky way

“Oh Gabe your so naïve if anything I’d be doing this to get her back”

“I really don’t care the reason but I think we should work together to keep her safe, my gut tells me as of now we could be to late and that for once in my life scares me”

“So then what do you have in mind” I asked still not wanting anything to do with this prick.

“I’m not completely sure but I think we need to go to her place now”

“Hey how did you even find me?”

“I’m a vampire how do we find anyone” Gabe said

“Good point”

*Gabe’s POV*

As William and I raced towards Chloe’s place I could tell William was annoyed. Why did I even bother to talk to him about it, he wasn’t helping to help Chloe be safe I could tell he was doing it for his own benefit. He actually thought Chloe was going to pick him over me. And if that was the case I’m to the point now to where I just want her happy. As we gained closer and closer my feeling got stronger and I knew Bill’s was the same cause he sped up. That’s when we heard the screams coming from the top balcony. The very balcony Chloe said she’d wait for me night after night just like it was at the Hazed warehouse.

We were still to far back to see exactly what was going on but with my vision becoming clearer I could see two silhouette’s in the shadows. And I knew it was Vicky and in her grasp was Chloe screaming. And I don’t know about William but I’m pretty sure Vicky was sucking the precious life out of her second by second.

*Chloe’s POV*

I was feeling weaker and weaker and was in a bit of shock as Vicky dug her fangy teeth into my neck. My body which once was warm and full of life was slowly being drained. I tried to remember as my thoughts and consciousness slipped in and out how long it took to be turned. If that was what Vicky was doing or if she was just going to kill me. Then I got a sudden flash back from that night with Brendon and Hannah and remember bout something along the means of counting to 10.10 seconds that was it, I had tried my hardest to fight. Tried my hardest to call for help and scream but Vicky was no match and she was much too strong. As my blood slowly drained as she drank I wished it was a dream. But I was very much awake and in the distance that’s when I saw them the two men speeding towards me. But it was to late…the damage had been done. I was going to die and Vicky was my maker.

The last thing I heard as I said my prayers was the two men yelling, the two men that have meant so much to me rush to where my once lively body will lay cold.
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UPDATE for all my lovely readers!!

Comments= LOVE
