It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 7

As I reached the bus station I looked down at my hand. Where William had touched me my hand was still cold…or at least it felt that way.

“Can I get one ticket to Seattle please” the man behind the counter was tall and lanky he barley fit in the booth he was assigned

“One ticket to Seattle” he printed up the ticket and handed to me


“Are you okay miss…I don’t mean to be rude by asking or anything but your very pale can I get you anything” I didn’t quite understand why the guy was asking me this I guess that what you get for hanging with a bunch of vampires.

“Oh its okay I’m fine I’ve just been spending a lot of time in doors these days” I giggled and the man smiled I thanked him again and walked to sit down and wait for my bus.

“Seattle bus 775 has arrived all passengers going to Seattle go to gate 7” the scratchy voice came from over the loud speaker. I guess that’s me I grabbed my bag handed the guy my ticket and hopped on the bus.

It was empty so I grabbed a seat at the back and slipped on my ipod. Chicago to Seattle this was going to be a long ride. But I guessed if I was on the run it would be okay as long as I kept moving which a bus always does and once I get to Seattle I’ll figure it out from there. We were just ready to pull out when a young woman got on at last min and the only seat left just happen to be next to me. I didn’t mind I guess I had my music and my camera to get me threw this trip and maybe she was only going half way.

“Hi” she said

“Hey” she was thinner and just as white as I was which made me laugh. You think I would kind of blend in with the people in Chicago we’re all a little pasty.

“Heading to Seattle?” she asked me I noticed she didn’t have any bags
“Yup…I have some relatives that live there” I lied, this girl was starting to freak me out a little bit I was getting the same chill that I did when I was around William. It all started to come together now she was ghostly white…she had no bags and she had sun glasses on. Shit she’s with the Hazed maybe if I played like I didn’t know that she was what she was it would be okay. Maybe she was just trying to get away like me.

“So ugh you have family in Seattle too” she started giggling it then turned into a cackling

“Stupid girl…you know damn well who I am. And who I’m with” my throat tightened which must of made her excited because her eyes became wide and lips started to quiver. I could see she wanted my blood all of the sudden she grabbed her head in pain. I stood up and went to leave but she grabbed my arm and ripped me back down in the seat.

“Sit the fuck down bitch” I winched in pain and did as I was told rubbing my arm in the process.

“I don’t think your boyfriend William would have liked you flirting with that man back there huh bitch…”as I was rubbing my arm I thought of what she said. Boyfriend?? William didn’t think of me like that.

“On the next stop you and me we’ll be getting off” I was shaking in fear now…dammit why didn’t I just stay with William? Why did I have to be so stupid?

The ride seemed like the longest of my life. We finally pulled off at another bus stop about an hour away from the other. The girl grabbed my arm and ripped me up from my seat. She was a lot stronger than she looks. As we stepped off the bus there was a group of guys standing in the alley way.

“Vicky T, Babe good job…Gabe will be extremely happy” she grinned at the medium height guys standing in front of the rest

“Well he wasn’t to thrilled when you tried to kill her your self” another shorter man standing next to a semi chunky attractive man said

“Fuck off Pete” Vicky looked over

“He only speaks the truth Vicky, him and I both sensed Gabe in your thoughts about a mile out of Chicago’s bus station” so that’s why she was holding her head in pain…got it.

“So what I didn’t fucken touch her”

“You better not I’m thinking Gabe is going to keep her around as a play thing” the man they called Suarez was the same man who greeted Vicky as she approached. He was now holding my arm and they were dragging me towards a van parked at the end of the alley.

“Let go of me…” I yanked my arm out of his grip and was met with a fist to my face…everything went dark.
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today is an amazingly great day for me. Today they've shown that skin color doesnt matter and we do whats best for our nation. God Bless

so to the story lol we're getting some where finally and it's getting better and better and about to get COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT and SUB

thanks for reading