Sequel: I Made a Deal

Not Possible by Any Means

You. Beat.

"Hey Billy." I greeted a bit shy with a small wave. "How's it going?"

"You're. You're. Your alive? And a vampire??" He stuttered as he wheeled himself over to me, his eyes the size of golfballs.

I nodded shyly, "Yeah, long story."

"And those two?" He pointed to Aarluk and Nanuq once he regained himself.

"Billy, meet my sons." I smiled, "Your grandsons: Nanuq and Aarluk."

"My what?" He freaked out, he looked like he was about to keel over."JAKE!" He shouted with furry.

"Yeah, dad?" He stepped up like a wuss.

"What is the meaning of this?" Billy shouted at him.

"Um." Jake's eyes kept shifting from me to his father.

"Let me explain this Billy." I spoke as I nudged Aarluk, who ran into the forest to faze.

"Please do. " He nodded.

Both of my boys stood at my sides, staring down thier father and grandfather. "This is Aarluk." I placed a hand on his high shoulder. "And this is Nanuq." I placed my other hand on his shoulder. "They are twins."

"But one is a vampire and the other a wolf. This is a joke, it has to be." He told me sternly shaking his head. "Not a funny joke to play on a old man's heart like mine."

"Not a joke, Billy." I sighed, "Just the product of being pregnant with his," I pointed at Jake, "kids and then being bitten by a vampire. Weird mutation happened to all three of us because of it."

"Like what?" He crossed his arms.

"I'm a werewolf that is a bit vampiry." Aarluk said.

"I'm a vampire that is a bit wolfy." Nanuq smiled his fangs.

"And I'm a vampire that is still human." I told him sternly.

"Human?" Everyone asked.

I nodded, "My heart still beats. I sleep. My flesh is warm. And I eat. What does that tell you?" Everyone went silent, their eyes glued on me.

He didn't say anything but look to his son. "Jake?"

"It's true dad." He hung his head. "It's all true, but I'm not sure about her being still human." He and everyone turned to look at me suspiciously.

I marched my way to Jake as he and everyone looked at me frozen, and grabbed his hand. With my mind I removed the cloak off of my heart. The cloak that hid my heart beat. I placed his enourmous hand on my heart.

"You. Beat." He whispered in amazement. "And your hands. They are...warm."