Sequel: Save Me

You're Right That It's Wrong To Spend the Night Alone


"They asked about your romantic shit! Rather than admitting what we have, you decided to come out with some shit about how you were gonna ask out Martin! Do you know how much that hurt?"


"Why are you so ashamed of me?"

That struck me deep.

He stared at me, his jaw set, his gorgeous eyes unreadable.

"Ashamed of you?" I finally managed to choke out.

"Ashamed! You really think people are gonna think you were kidding about Martin? Everybody knows you weren't. Brendon, why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You pretend to hide!"

"I can't help it!"


I glared, throwing the door open as we reached the house.

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Ryan Ross."

"Me and Bren got in a fight."

I stopped suddenly, leaning towards the bathroom door, where I heard the words come from.

"He said that he was gonna ask Martin out, and I told you about that, but I told him about it. And um... I asked him why he was ashamed of me...Yeah, I know. I know, I'm so stupid." I heard a thud, probably Ryan hitting his head against the tub. "Will, I feel so bad. I didn't mean to make him angry at me...No, it is my fault...It shouldn't matter if he liked him. I mean, I know he loves me now... I don't know. Maybe I'm just being stupid. He wouldn't cheat one me or anything... I don't... I don't think... Yeah. Yeah, tell him I said hi and I can't wait to meet him... Love you, too, Will. Bye."

The door opened and I was stupid enough not to move.

Instead, I stood there as Ryan stared up at me.

"What, Brendon?" he finally muttered, looking down and scratching his arm.

Rather than answering, I wrapped my arms around him.
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so that was like the fifth update. it'll be over in about ten parts. then comes the sequel