Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

But Where's Your Heart?

Katelyn’s P.O.V
Even though I would never admit it openly. Their words do hurt, especially since I’m not the whore they all make me out to be. Actually, most guys are too drunk and then claim I slept with them, and I let everyone believe it. I smiled as Frank helped me with the chords, and said he liked what I had so far. First thing I did when I got home? I changed into a black and red Papa Roach t-shirt and some comfortable khaki pants. We finished that up and I went and followed through on my promise and helped him with the Trig homework. See, I took this class last year, so it’s all pretty easy and Frank listens and can get things quick. Him and Mikey can actually talk to the people I mentioned before, but I think Mikey said something about them feeling bad that I’m his sister.

He smiled and told me he defended me and told them that it wouldn’t matter how I acted, I was always going to be his little sister. I smiled before saying that I was going to go for a jog to clear my head and think. I grabbed my iPod and changed into a tank top before running around the block twice…sadly I got stopped the second time around by them. What bugged me the most? I was staring my biological brother in the face and knew he hated me with everything he had. Even though I act like a bitch on the outside, that does hurt to know that my family never wanted me and that my brother hated me. But oh well, I went to go around them and of course they wouldn’t move. I took my headphones out and turned off the song I was listening to. It had been one of my brothers’ demos. It was pretty good and had an awesome beat. “Look. Just get the fuck out of the way,” I stated with a roll of my eyes.

They of course refused. I rolled my eyes sick of this, and sick of the way they treated Jesse and Luke who were the male cheerleaders on the squad. I had really pissed Zack off by saying the cheerleaders won more trophies than the baseball team…and then I got punched by his girlfriend…and let me tell you…I’ve taken skateboard falls worse than that punch…and not to brag, but I’m pretty sure I could punch harder. I’ve actually had to…drunk jocks are seemingly very possessive…they’ve tried so hard to…get into my pants when I’ve said no. Wow, who knew the queen bitch who’s not afraid to say anything can’t even say the word rape. I can’t tell you how many times when I got home, that I’d end up crying myself to sleep or curled up to Gee. Somehow, I had managed to get Gee to stay quiet and not tell Mikey or Frank about it…that didn’t mean he was completely hands off though.

“Frank, Mikey…I need to talk to you for a minute,” Gerard stated quietly, thinking I had fallen asleep on the couch watching a movie. “I know she acts strong and puts up a front at school…but please keep an eye on her…one day it will either become over bearing or…she’s gonna crack and just need someone to talk to. Don’t let her front fool you guys. Promise me,” He spoke softly but I knew he meant every word he said and I peeked to see his hazel eyes glinting with determination.

Frank spoke up first. “I promise. She’s my best friend…and I’m not gonna let those dense fuckheads at our school hurt her,” he whispered as Gee nodded. Mikey nodded in agreement with Frank.

“I promise,” Mikey stated with a grin. He readjusted his glasses before throwing a blanket over me.

So my family isn’t joking around when it comes to me, I guess. And that’s what I love about them…they don’t give up on me. I don’t know. I guess I just feel like in all, I was given up on from the very beginning. My real parents didn’t want me…hence, ‘they gave up on me.’ I really don’t know why I became a cheerleader…I really liked gymnastics, and I could care less about the mindless cheer squad. Which reminds me, “Shit, you guys, I gotta get back to school for cheer practice,” they groaned but nodded.

Gerard stated he would take me so Frank could go home, and that way he could pick Mikey up. Mom only lets us take one car to school…so we usually took mine, and Mikey needed to be picked up from his thing anyways. I walked to the gym as he made his way to the band room where he thought Mikey was. I walked in and was greeted by the varsity and junior varsity cheerleaders. Believe it or not, even though I prefer gymnastics…I’m good at being a cheerleader. People just say I suck because I piss them off…but they also say it because they know I’m good since I pull off a bunch of stunts they couldn’t dream of.

I smiled as I walked up before heading towards my cheer squad, since there was a different captain for JV, I passed Ashley silently and put my blonde hair up into a ponytail. My hair is naturally a light to medium brown…I don’t know why I like it blonde…but I do…and I think it’s Gee’s fault. We were messing around with stage make up and he told me I would look good in blonde…he would know though. I mean he looked good the one time he dyed his hair. “Alright so why don’t we stretch out since the coach isn’t here yet,” I told my girls…some of them are brainless, but the one I actually have in depth conversations with is actually in a couple of my honors classes. Her name is Nicole Iero, and she is Frank Iero’s twin. I’m not gonna lie…Nikki is fucking gorgeous. She has dark brown hair, and the brightest blue eyes you could ask for. She is about 5’4 which is why people always claim her and Frank really are twins, and her body is built pretty athletically, but not in the over done muscle way that would make her look freaky.

Ha, now that I said she’s gorgeous you somehow think I’m gay. Nope, bisexual…most people think I’m straight though because of my rep. Anyways back to cheer practice. I looked over to see the JV squad just kind of staring and I rolled my eyes cause when the coaches aren’t here, they leave me in charge. “What are you all staring at? Stretch out,” I stated with a roll of my eyes as Nikki laughed.

“So you wanna do homework together after practice?” Nikki asked as she pulled her hair up into a messy bun. I smiled and nodded before stretching out my muscles as Ashley made a comment.

“Yeah…she’s bound to get you an F in your classes,” Nikki glared at her but I held up my hand. I also had another talent…and that was pushing peoples’ buttons. But I only push peoples’ buttons to keep people like her at bay.

“This coming from you? What did you get on your last math test? Cause I’m pretty sure the big fat F stands for Fabulous right?” I asked sarcastically. Personally, I knew they hadn’t seen my grade. Because I had managed to get a 96 on it. She glared as I just smirked. But then I turned to Nikki and spoke up. “I can’t tonight. I have to work,” she nodded in understanding. I smiled sweetly as the coaches walked in and one came to us and the other went to the JV cheerleaders. I held back a laugh when the coaches wanted the varsity cheerleaders to show the JV some of our routines to motivate them. Ashley looked beyond pissed…it brought a smile to my face.

I then checked my watch and smiled as six o clock came around and the coaches said we could go. I pulled on my hoodie before texting Gee and telling him I’d catch a ride home with Nikki. “I can’t wait to go to work,” I said with a smile. She nodded with a laugh. See, I’m really interested in music, so I somehow managed to get a job as an intern for a record label company. I was excited…Jive records was an interesting company. And, sometimes my boss would let me meet their new talent. He introduced me to a band that started out in Canada…and I fell in love with their music. Their band name was Three Days Grace, and they had been in a band before named Groundswell, well not the guitarist, but the other three.

They were really kind too. Adam, the lead singer, was about four years older than me at 20. Oh, and he’s really hot. I know what you're thinking...oh my god she has a heart in there too?! And the answer is yes, I do have a heart...and I am through wearing it on my sleeve. He has black hair and blue eyes that sometimes look like they’re green. I got along with him really well…and I let him see the real me, not the front I show to the school. There was also Neil and Brad. They had also talked about a guy named Barry joining them when they actually got started. For breathing room onstage. I smiled in thought before turning to Nikki and ignoring the look on Ashley’s face. “So can I catch a ride home with you? Cause I have to get to work in an hour or so…I’m excited for it, I wanna talk to Adam so bad,” I stated and know I heard Ashley make a comment about ‘fucking slut’ somewhere around there.

I smiled as Nikki nodded before following her out to her car. “He gave me one of their demos, said its good music to just get your mind off things,” she laughed and nodded as I put a headphone in my ear and let ‘I Hate Everything About You’ fill my ears. I closed my eyes and listened to the powerful guitar chords and smiled. This was my kind of music, not the pop we do cheer routines to. As soon as Nikki dropped me off I waved to her and made my way to my room to change into normal clothes for work. Which for me consisted of a black t-shirt and some tight blue jeans, not as tight as the multiple pairs of skinny jeans I own, but really close. I grabbed my nametag and pass card thing that I punched in with before grabbing my messenger bag with some of my homework to do, my laptop, and my phone in it, so that if they ran out of things for me to do, I could do my homework and get things done since I work until 10. What a great way to end a Thursday. Although I may be up until 11:30 doing homework…oh well…my schedule and friends are worth it!
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Ha she does have a heart. And it's for music!!!! XD anyways here's chapter three and four should be posted eventually...when Ashley has time. Thanks for reading and please leave us comments on how we're doing.