How can I still love him now that I know I have to?


“Goodnight,” I said quietly. Impulsively, I stand on my tippy toes and made our lips touch then pulled back, embarrassed. His lips felt warm and soft against mine. “Sorry,” I mumbled then ran up the steps, forgetting that while I was gone, the sprinklers turned on, soaking the yard and the steps. My shoes found no grip on the slippery concrete and I fell backwards. When I didn’t feel him steadying me, I thought that he wouldn’t be able to catch me. To my surprise, I landed in Maxwell’s big arms.

He helped me stand straight then responded, “No need to be sorry.” Then he kissed me. I was stunned. Without another word, he turned and left. I stood there with my hand touching my lips. Smiling to myself, I went inside and got ready for bed.

The rest of my night consisted of watching TV and thinking about Maxwell. Silver was the first to call me and ask how the date went. I gave her every detail and made sure to hold the phone at arms length away when she screamed.

“Hey, do you want to come stay the night?” I asked Silver.

“Yeah. Give me like ten minutes to pack up my stuff and I’ll be over,” she declared excitedly.

I was dancing around my room in my underwear and a tank top when my door burst open. I froze in embarrassment.

“Nice to see you too,” Silver laughed as she threw down her bag and plopped on my bed. I laughed at myself as I shrugged on pair of blue jeans.

“So what do you want to do tonight?” I prodded.

“Well,” she began, “What about we walk around and find a house to roll?”

“Hm. Since it’s not late enough yet, let’s just go walking,” I suggested. Silver nodded her head and we started getting ready to go.

We had walked through m whole neighborhood and we were about to head home when something caught my eye. The old house that had been up for sale forever was no longer vacant. Out of curiosity, Silver and I walked towards the house. We snuck around the side of the house where there was this big window that showed us a big kitchen table with a family eating dinner. There was a couple, obviously the parents, a set f twin teenager guys, and another teenager guy who looked a little but older. Then it hit me. That was Maxwell and his family!

“That’s… that’s…” I tried.

“I know,” Silver responded.

Maxwell’s mother had deep red hair that hung above her thin waist and brown eyes. His dad had short brown hair with brown eyes also. One of Maxwell’s twin brothers had black hair with silver highlights and blue eyes. The other twin had black hair and green eyes. Silver and I sat there, drooling. We stood up next to the window to talk.

“Wow. I didn’t know that they lived here!” Silver whispered fiercely.

“Hi family is hot too,” I added then she rolled her eyes. We both took another peek at Maxwell’s family. This time, Maxwell and his brothers weren’t at the table. I shot Silver a puzzled glance and she shrugged. Before I knew what was happening, Silver and I were pinned to the wall by two sets of strong hands.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter is so short.
It's late and I'm tired.
But I decided to give you guys a treat and post this.
Please comment and junk.
Or I might just not post anymore.
Cause I can't tell if people like my stories or not.
So yeah.