Note to Self

Ch. 6

A Month Later
Ash's POV
I was sitting with Ari on the front porch. He tapped his finger on his soda can to a silent beat. "Ari, what happened?"
"I just woke up from this dream and I could talk like I used to. I get jokes. I get school."
"What happened in this dream?"
Ari's POV
Flashback: Two Weeks ago
I was crying about how frustrated I was with myself. I laid on my bed and fell into a restless sleep. I dreamt about being shaken awake. I opened my eyes and saw a kid about fifteen with black hair, snakebites…he looked a lot like my dad. The pictures I'd seen anyway.
"What?" I whispered.
"Don't be scared." He said. His voice sounded tortured, yet peaceful. His shirt over his wrists were soaked with blood. "I'm here to help you." He whispered. I swallowed, tensing.
"You'll see. Just relax." He waved his hand in front of my eyes. I felt as though something had happened. "Tell Zakky I miss him and I love him. Go to sleep." Then he was gone and I was waking up to bright sun. Everything was different. I was back to normal.
End of Flashback
"Ari?" Ash asked.
"Um, it was my dad. Well what he looked like when he died. It was kinda scary. I was scared, but I knew that I was okay." Ash nodded.
"Ari, we're leaving." Dad said.
"Bye Ash." I hugged him and we left.
J.D.'s POV
Aaron hugged me. "Are you okay honey?"
"Um, yeah." I said shaking.
"You sure?"
"He came back. He made Ari normal. He, he doesn't know who Ari is though. He just knows that it's Eddie and Zakky's adopted son. He doesn't know that he's his kid. He asked me who they were. I wish he were here Aaron."
"I know honey." I looked into Aaron's eyes. They were so beautiful.
"I love you, you know that?"
"Yeah. I love you too."
"If Kyler hadn't died, do you think we would have found each other? Or do you think I would have still been with Ky?"
"I think this was meant to be. Kyler was supposed to die. That was part of his life. That was how the story was written. I think that the plan for our life was written in stone. People who say that your future isn't written in stone are stupid. God wrote our life before we were even born."
"Yeah I guess so." I hugged him.
Ari's POV
"Hey, Ari it's Sean." Came the voice from the other end of our phone.
"What's up?" I asked.
"You feel like baby sitting the kids?"
"Yeah. When?"
"In an hour."
"Oh, okay."
"Thank you so much Ari."
"No problem. Is it okay if I head over there?"
"Now? Yeah."
"Okay. I'll see you then." I hung up the phone.
"What'd he say?" Dad asked.
"Um, Sean wants me to babysit."
"Oh. Have you babysat an infant before?"
"No, but I have to at least try right?"
"I guess. Have fun." He hugged me and kissed me forehead. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door with an, "I love you." I got in the car that Emma and I shared and made my way to their house. I knocked on the door and Addie opened the door.
"Hey sweetie." She hugged me. I followed her inside. "Sean, Ari's here." Mia and Jayde ran over to me.
"Have you seen Alex?" Mia asked.
"He's little and he smells stinky." Mia informed me.
"He's cute though." Jayde said.
"He's cuter than me. I don't like it." Mia pouted.
"You shouldn’t be like that. One day he's gonna want to be just like you." Mia looked at me.
"I want to be like Emily." I said.
"But you're only a little bit smaller than her."
"But I think she's like the coolest thing ever."
"Hello Ari." Sean said coming out. He had Alex in his arms.
"Hi." I said tickling Alex.
"Don’t do that." Jayde said.
"Yeah. You can only do it to me and Jay." Mia smiled.
"Don't pay attention to what they say Ari. They are kinda j-e-a-l-o-u-s."
"What does that spell?" Mia asked Jayde.
"I can't tell. He said it to fast." I smiled at them and looked back at Sean.
"Makes sense."
"Can I please talk to you?" I nodded. He put Alex on a blanket and he went into the kitchen. "Ari, your biologically my stepson. Which makes them your sisters and brother."
"Yeah, I've known that for like three years."
"Here's the thing, Addie doesn't know if we should tell them or not. It's up to you and Emily. Emily said that she doesn’t care. It's all your decision."
"Um, I don't know."
"Well, would they pay attention to me? I wouldn't listen to Emily in a million years. Ever. And then there's the whole they can make fun of me. And then there's the whole question of why I don't live here."
"Ari, they're eight, seven and five months. Alex will grow up knowing. And by the time he gets old enough to want to ask those questions, you'll be off on your own."
"It's just…"
"It's just what?"
"I guess, but can I tell them?"
"No. Addie thinks it'd be best if we told them. They'll want to ask questions. We need to answer them. You can be there if you want. Emily insisted that she wasn’t here. So we can tell them now."
"Um, okay." I found it weird how I was being raised by my adopted uncle and his husband and babysitting for my half-siblings. I followed Sean to the living room. He whispered something to Addie. I sat down and Mia climbed in my lap. Jayde sat next to me.
"What are they whispering about?" Jayde asked.
"You'll see." I kissed the tops of their heads.
"Girls, me and Mommy have something to tell you."
"Is it 'portant?" Mia asked.
"Kinda. Ari is your half-brother and Emily is your half-sister." Sean said. "That means that you both have the same mom, but have different dads."
"Then why does they not live here?" Mia asked.
"Because they live with their daddies." Addie explained
"But Mommy, their daddies is gay." Mia said.
"Yeah I know. They're adopted by Zakky and Eddie."
"Oh. Why?"
"Um, I was younger than they are when I had them. Their real daddy was Zakky's little brother. He died and I couldn't take care of them so since Zakky and Eddie really wanted a baby, they decided to adopt them."
"So…does that mean that Zakky and Eddie are our daddies too?" Jayde asked.
"No." Sean said. "I'm your only daddy. We need to leave okay. Be good for Ari." They kissed the girls and left. Mia looked at me.
"You’re my brother?" I nodded. She smiled and hugged me. "I'm glad I always liked you and Emily." I was so happy