Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Bring It All To Me

My weekend? It took too long to get here, I was now at lunch with Jesse which he was making up to me yet. I don't think he knew I knew about what happened at the club but I was keeping it that way. For now at least.

"Babe, what's wrong?"asked Jesse snapping me out of my daze.
"Nothing,"I shook my head,"I'm just stoked about heading to Milo's tomorrow."
"You seem like it,"He smiled,"You seriously like him huh?"
"Duh,"I stuck my tongue out at him,"What's it to you anyways?"
"Just curious,"He smirked,"Gotta know who's invading my number one dancer's mind."
"Ok stop,"I rolled my eyes,"I said I forgive you, stop sucking up to me."
"I can't help it,"He laughed,"If I didn't you might leave me for Justin Timberlake or something."
"Yeah sure,"I rolled my eyes again.
"Well it's the truth, so many people want you to tour with them or be in their videos."
"It would be a change of pace,"I thought for a second,"And well he is built."
"Sy, no,"Jesse looked serious.
"Relax,"I laughed,"I'm not going anywhere. Besides if I do tour with someone else, it's not personal."

My phone rang and I looked down at it to see that it was Adrian calling me for some unknown reason,"Hold on." I told Jesse as I went to answer my phone,"Hey, what's up?"
"Are you busy?"asked Adrian.
"Um, not too much just at lunch with Jesse why?"
"Well because I need you for a bit,"He started off.
"Just can you?"
"Ok, fine,"I laughed,"Give me 20 minutes."
"Ok, I'll see you then."

I hung up my phone to look at Jesse,"I've got to met Adrian in 20 minutes."
"Hey it's cool,"He smiled,"We're both busy people."
"Promise we'll hang out longer another time,"I got up to give him a quick hug,"Can't have the Jesse McCartney mad at me."
"Take care,"He laughed as I broke away,"I'll see you Monday!"
"You will,"I waved as I walked out the door.

Driving to find Adrian, I finally found him and guess who was there with him? Yup, that's right Milo. I wasn't seeing him til tomorrow so it was a bit of a shocker that he was standing there. And the reason? Adrian said it was because he wanted help to find something at the store. But then he left me and Milo in the parking lot for a few seconds.

"I swear, I wonder about him sometimes,"I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry to pull you away from lunch,"Milo looked at me.
"No it's ok,"I shook my head,"Nothing too exciting was happening."
"Hey can I be honest with you for a second?"
"Well I hope you're honest with me all the time,"I looked at him,"But go ahead."
"I am,"He nodded,"This is just something really serious and important."
"It's kinda hard for me to admit it but it's something that's been bugging me but there's this girl that I'm totally in love with,"Milo turned a bit pink as he looked forward as we walked,"Anyways, she's amazing, knows how to make me feel better, I love her smile, her laugh, the way she's not afraid to do things. And I've been treating her like crap latey and I feel so bad about it."
"Then talk to her about it,"I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear,"I mean if you're sorry, you're sorry but there's not much I can do about it."
"Actually there is,"He stopped and I stopped to look at him.
"What do you want me to do?"
"To say you don't hate me and take me for how I am."
"Wait,"I processed what he was saying,"Are you say-"
"Yes,"He sighed,"I know I probably could've said something tomorrow but I couldn't. Adrian decided to call you this he was tired of hearing my ramblings."
"But you're still with Hayden?"I asked looking at him.
"I got the last of my things out of her place,"He sighed,"I don't see it working anymore."
"So where does that leave me? Wondering if I'll be the next or what?"
"That leaves you,"He grabbed my hand to pull me closer to him,"First spot in my heart, forever."
"Milo-"I sighed as I looked at him.
"Sylar,"He whined back,"I'm crazy about you. And I know that you feel the same way right?"
"I guess,"I shrugged but looked back at him,"I really do."
"So, forget what everyone else is saying, give us a shot,"His fingers tangled with mine which sent butterflies swarming in my stomach.
"Ok,"I nodded,"But if you break my heart."
"Don't worry I've got threats from Adrian already,"He laughed,"He sees you as a little sister to him."
"At least I've got that for me,"I smirked at him.
"So shall we?"He held out his arm as we walked towards the store.
"We shall,"I smiled as I took his arm.
And now tomorrow was going to be super interesting.