Status: Complete! Sequel is up!

Prove It

Holy Tomato Sauce

We pulled up at the church, and I let myself be pulled inside by Cristiano. As soon as I saw Caine tears poured out of my eyes as I hugged him. "Where's Rob?" I asked.
"He couldn't come," he replied.
I nodded and turned, seeing Cristiano standing awkwardly off to the side of the church. I motioned for him to come over, and when he did, I introduced them. "Caine, this is Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano, this is Caine Reese." They shook hands and said hello, but that was about it. "I guess we should go into the sanctuary."

It was my turn to throw the dirt over Rachel's casket. I stepped up, trying to think of something to say. My head was a huge mess right now. "Rachel was one of the best friends I've ever had. One of the best ones anyone could ever have. She always had a way of making everyone feel better, even if it meant putting herself down to do so. She never let anyone give her any crap, and knew what to say and what not to. She was the kind of person you couldn't help feeling happy around, and the kind of person you can't forget," I finished, hoping that was okay, and tossed the shovelful of dirt over the casket, then returned to my place between Caine and Cristiano. I didn't expect it when I felt Cristiano taking my hand.
After the funeral was over, I turned to leave with Cristiano when I heard Caine calling my name. I turned to see him walking quickly towards us.
"Hmm?" I asked.
"I was going with some friends to go out to eat somewhere, you guys wanna come?" He asked, looking between us.
I thought for a minute. "I...guess so?"
He smiled. "You always did that. Anyway, you wanna just follow us in your car?"
"Well where are we going? Cause I don't wanna stay in this dress much longer if I don't have to," I replied.
"Just that old burgers place downtown we used to go to all the time, you know the one?"
I nodded. "Yeah, we'll go change and meet you there, okay?"
He agreed and stopped us again as we were heading to the car again. "By the way, you have some kinda kick ass soccer tan goin on."
I smiled, rolled my eyes and said, "Whatever."

Back at the hotel, I changed quickly into some jeans and a green striped polo and my converse. On the way to the restaurant I made fun of Cristiano for taking twice as long as I did, to which he put up like he knew he should.
"Camry! Over here!" Caine yelled across the restaurant, when I had already seen them. I rolled my eyes and headed over, sitting next to Caine and across from a girl I vaguely remembered from high school. Or college? I know her from somewhere! I think her name was Madison? Miranda?
"McKenzie!" Another guy appeared at the end of the table and sat down next to her, smiling.
"-at least I can say my team actually won the championship without having to go into penalty kicks!" McKenzie argued with Caine.
I gasped. "MCKENZIE!"
She looked at me weird. "McKenzie!" She smiled.
"You're McKenzie from high school soccer McKenzie!" I grinned.
This time she realized what I was talking about. "CAMRY!"
"Is anyone else lost here? Cause I need some serious help with all this," Caine interjected.
"Shut up, Caine," we both said at the same time, then laughed when we realized it.
"I can't believe I haven't seen you in so long! Whatcha been up to?" She asked.
"Well, I kinda play for Manchester United now," I started.
"Do what now? The Manchester United? With Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney and Luis Nani Manchester United?" The guys next to McKenzie asked.
I nodded. "You're kinda sitting with two of its players," I said smirking, glancing at Cristiano. I guess they didn't really recognize him cause of his hat and sunglasses and not wearing his soccer jersey and all. With that I took off Cristiano's hat and placed it on my head backwards. "It's rude to wear hats whilst eating out, Cristiano."
The whole table of maybe six people got dead silent as they looked at him, then went back to their conversations.
"Holy tomato sauce," Caine whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Silly Caine.