Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(18)Milo's betrayal

"What?!!!!" Akane flew into your room as if she had smashed through the door. Her eyes were big and questioning and even though you weren't exactly ready to tell people yet you didn't think you had a choice. "You're getting married?!?!?!?"
You flinched as her scream pierced your ears and Akito took a step back.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" She demanded, stamping her foot on the ground. "I AM your best friend!" Then she went silent for a minute and looked down as if thinking. After a minute her head flew back up and she began to jump up and down excitedly. "That means I'm your maid of honor right?"
"Right..." You said uneasy. It's not like she wasn't going to be, but the way she was acting was kind of scaring you.
"What's all the commotion?" Toshiro asked as he walked into the room, looking sleepy.
Akane turned to him and pointed back at the two of you. "They're getting married!"
Toshiro looked confused for a minute as he looked back and forth from Akane to you and Akito, "When did that happen?"
Akane opened her mouth to speak, but she didn't have the answer for that one so she looked back at you, expecting an answer.
"Uhhh...." You laughed nervously, just wanting to disappear at that moment. "It was kind of a spur of the moment type of thing... It's not like I was never going to tell you guys I just wasn't sure how everyone would react."
Akito smiled at you and nodded.
You gave him the death glare for not helping you out.
"Oh..." Akane smiled and hugged you. "I guess I can forgive you for that. So what are your colors going to be? Where are you going to have it? Who's going to be coming?"
Akane sure did know how to ask questions endlessly so Akito stepped in, thankfully. "We're not sure of anything quite yet. What I know for sure is every vampire in the world will be there. Everything else..." He turned to you and winked, "Is up to Ai."
You sighed. It's not that you weren’t happy about it. Just... it was all so overwhelming. You didn't want to upset Akito though so you put your arm around him and hugged him. "Yeah it's going to be great."
"We better get planning then!" Akane said loudly as she grabbed your arm and began to run out of the room with you.
You looked back at Akito, wishing he would help you, but he only smiled and shrugged.
Once out in the hall, Akane preceded to pull you towards the door. "Come on. We need to go shopping. I can't wait to get the dresses. What kind of flowers will you get?"
"Why don't we go get some bridal magazines and look things over?" You offered, trying to distract her from bigger things.
"Alright," she said happily pulling you out the door. "Where's Milo? He'll need to drive us."
You blushed at the very thought of him, remembering how you had thrown yourself at him last night. "Maybe we can get someone else to drive..."
"But Milo is so fun to make fun of," Akane pouted and out of no where Milo appeared beside you.
He didn't look at you, but simply stared ahead with a blank expression. "I'll drive you." He said in an emotionless voice so you all hopped into a car and went to the nearest store to pick up some magazines. Once you had those you went back to the same cafe you had went to before, and settled down with drinks to look through them.
Akane was more than happy to tell you how she thought your wedding should be. You didn't exactly want to discuss all of it at the moment so you offered her something else. "You know... Toshiro will probably be asking you soon too. You should get planning yourself."
"You're right..." Akane realized and blushed. "I have no idea how I want my wedding to be!" And with that she became frantic with thoughts of her own wedding and left you to your own thoughts.
You felt a gentle tap on your shoulder and looked up to see Milo looking down at you. "Can we talk?"
You looked over at Akane who was way to involved with herself so you nodded and followed him outside.
It was silent for a few minutes as he looked at the ground.
"Ai, do you love Akito?" He asked suddenly, looking into your eyes.
You bit your lip softly. "I do..."
Milo sighed and got a very saddened expression on his face. "I was afraid of that... I thought if maybe you didn't love him then it would make things easier. But now... I am your master."
You couldn't take your eyes from his as they glowed white. You couldn't move on your own until you found yourself throwing your arms around him. "Oh yes master. I am yours..."
Milo smiled and wrapped his arms around you, planting a deep kiss on your lips. "And you don't love Akito."
"No master," you looked dreamily into his eyes. "I only love you."
"And you will do whatever I tell you to?" He kissed you again from your lips down to your neck, making you shiver, wishing that he would bite you again.
"Yes master..."
He breathed heavily and whispered in your ear, "Even if I tell you to kill Akito?"
Without a seconds delay you answered yes. You were under his control and he had some deadly plans for the man you loved.