Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(5)The truth about Akito's mom

You ran up to your room, and slammed the door behind you. You just couldn’t believe he could be so cruel, although it may seem strange to think about it as you had just met him. But still… you’d never been treated like that by anyone in your entire life. Sure your parents ignored you, and not everyone you knew completely liked you, but having something like that thrown in your face… It was a terrible feeling.
You sat down on your bed, and leaned your elbows down onto your knees with your chin in your palm. You weren’t sure why you had expected any different from him… He was a vampire. Sure, in all the romantic stories about them they’d been so charming and sweet, but this was real life, not some fairy tale. You didn’t know what to think… What did you really know about vampires anyway? You obviously had never met one before, or maybe you’d have some idea of what to do in the situation.
It really sucked to be so totally clueless…
There was a soft knock at the door, but you ignored it, and laid down on the bed facing away from it. If Akito knew what was good for him he wouldn’t bother you right now, or he might find something flying at his head…
The knocked repeated, and again you ignored it, closing your eyes, willing for this whole mess to be done and over with. You imagined being in school, talking to your friends, doing homework even, anything to keep your thoughts away from that awful-
The door opened, and you could barely hear the approaching footsteps that followed… You kept your eyes closed, preparing yourself as the person got closer and closer, and just when they were in the right place, hovering over you, you jumped up, grabbed the pillow behind you, and slammed it down on that person’s head.
“I said to leave me al-” you stopped, and stared, realizing that the person rubbing the back of his head wasn’t Akito… As the feather fluttered down to the around your arm went limp, and you couldn’t move from the embarrassment weighing you down.
The boy, looking around 18 in age, has shaggy brown hair down to his shoulders, and the one eye that wasn’t covered by his hair was a deep green.
He smiled, still rubbing the back of his head where you had hit him, “So this is why Akito sent me in here? To be attacked… I never knew a girl could hit so hard…”
Your embarrassment fled at that statement, and you lifted the pillow up again, “Well this girl is prepared to hit you even harder if you don’t get out…”
He chuckled, and sat down on the edge of your bed, crossing his arms over his chest, “Sorry, babe, no can do, you’re now my responsibility…”
You looked down at him, angry, but more so confused, Then you remembered how Akito had threatened to get someone to follow you around EVERYWHERE. That certainly wasn’t an appealing idea, yet here was this guy…
“Sorry to inform you, but I don’t need a body guard,” you grumbled, standing up from your bed, “I’m never leaving this room again, and that means you don’t need to sit and here and make sure I don’t escape.”
You pointed to the door, signaling that he should leave.
He sighed, and shrugged as he stood up, “Feisty… I think we’ll be good friends,” he said as he walked slowly to the door, flashing you another gorgeous smile. But then he stopped, “By the way… my name’s Milo.”
“How nice for you…” you replied, your voice thick with sarcasm, “And what are you? A neko? A demon? A fairy maybe?”
He gave you a strange look, and shook his head, “None of the above. Just your everyday, average werewolf…”
As he left you couldn’t believe how relieved you were to hear he was a werewolf. But in your mind there were much, much worse things…
The rest of the day was very long, very boring, and very… lonely. You hated to admit it, but after a few hours of sitting in that little room, and thinking about Akito you really started to miss him… You didn’t know why, or how, but… you just wanted to see him. There were a few obvious reasons… One being he was a freaking hot vampire guy, and what girl didn’t want to be around a guy like that? And two you were already starting to feel things for him… It was crazy, right? To know a guy for barely a day, a guy who had kidnapped you, and maybe totally be ruining your life, but for some strange reason you couldn’t get the thought of him, and possibly a life with him, out of your head…
Another knock sounded at the door, and sighing you stood up off of your bed and made your way over to it.
*That guy seriously needs to just leave me alone…* you thought, expecting it to be Milo on the other side. He had periodically came in to check on you throughout the day, but you’d always sent him packing when he made any attempt to make small talk. You were, by far, in no mood to deal with him again. But when you flung open the door, and began to tell him to leave you alone for the millionth time, you stopped, seeing instead that it was…
"Akito..." You said sadly, looking up into his eyes. You could see his pain and your own clearly in them and wanted nothing more than to be in his arms, but instead you wrapped your own around yourself.
"I know you said to leave you alone," he started, lifting your chin up with his hand as your head began to fall down. "But I must tell you that I simply can not do that. Ai... I don't know if you knew this, because you didn't exactly give me a chance to explain, but I am very sorry for what I said."
You stared at him for long moments trying to comprehend it all. So he didn't want you to die? And he's sorry...? That meant the world to you right now even though you had pushed him away yesterday you did know, but something inside of you wouldn't let you get close to him. It was all so confusing and complicated, but you knew one thing for sure. That you wanted to be close to him right, for some reason. So without a word you threw your arms around him and buried your head in his chest, crying out all the pain that you had felt before now. Nothing mattered to you at that moment. So what if he had kidnapped you? So what if you had to be with him forever. All that you cared about was being in his arms... And you wanted nothing else. Akito didn't hesitate to put them around you and hold you close. "Ai, I'm so so very. I never meant... I just..."
You felt his warm tears on the top of your head and looked up at him and smiled. "Will you spend the night with me, Akito?"(me: any perverts out there... yeah just don't even say anything. I don't mean it like that!)
Akito nodded and you led him into your room where you laid down on the bed. He followed right behind you and put his arms tightly around you, never wanting to ever let you go. After that everything went silent and still. You tried for awhile, but couldn't manage to fall asleep. "Akito...?"
"Yes, Ai?" His answer surprised you.
"Oh... I didn't think you'd be awake.
"I just wanted to enjoy being with you," he replied pulling you closer. You nodded and blushed a little feeling your body pressed close against his. Things went silent again and you laid with thoughts going through your head. "Would you like to talk about something, Ai?" He asked, making you jump.
You laughed at yourself and pushed your hair back behind your ear feeling slightly embarrassed. "Well... I was just wondering... I mean you don't have to tell me or anything... because I know you didn't want to talk about it before..."
"You want to know why my mother had to die?" He asked in a quiet voice.
You nodded slowly and he sighed and sat up. "My mother was a very strong and beautiful woman... and chosen by my elders for my father. She was a lot like you, you know. You really remind me of her..." He reached out and cupped your face in his hand and you put your own hand over his, blushing. "She hated the idea of having to marry my father. She tried to escape many many times, or so I'm told and vowed to hate him as long as she lived. But after awhile of living and growing close to him she grew to love him."

"You should know that humans do eventually get old, being one yourself... She had a choice... Become a vampire... Or die as a human... You can figure out the rest..." He stood and walked away from the bed to the balcony and walked outside.
You sat on the bed feeling sad and confused. *Akito's mom would have rather died than become a vampire... That's so sad.* You looked at Akito and felt very depressed suddenly. *He lost his mom so early... And all because she was a human. And I remind him of her?* You stood up and walked out to the balcony seeing Akito looking off in the distance. He looked so lonely out there in the darkness and moonlight. So lonely and sad. You just wanted to comfort him so you wrapped your arms around him from behind and rested your head on his back. "I'm sorry, Akito... You shouldn't have to remember things like that." "
I do though," he turned around and took your hands in his and rubbed them against his cheek. "You know, Ai, that you will have to make that choice someday. Whether you are going to be with me forever or... die as a human." You bit your lip, not really having an answer right then. You didn't even know if you really truly loved the guy, let alone wanted to be turned into a vampire and be with him forever. It would be a hard decision for sure, but you silence seemed to hurt Akito and he turned from you again. "I understand..." he whispered and you could sense the tears in his voice. "I can't make you fall in love with me..."
"It's not that," you said softly holding your hands in front of you. "I just... you can't expect me to make that decision now..."
Akito nodded and without saying anything he jumped off of the balcony. Forgetting that he was a vampire you ran to the side, screaming his name. "Akito!"
Akito appeared behind you and looked at you, scared. "What? Did you get hurt? Is something wrong?"
"I..." you looked at him and felt stupid. *He's a vampire... he can't die like that...* "I forgot you're a vampire... I was afraid that you'd..."
Akito hugged you and smiled. "You were scared? For me? That means so much to me, Ai..."
You laughed and pushed him away. "Well yeah, I do care about you."
Akito smiled and took your hand again. "You know, Ai, I don't really feel sad anymore."
"I'm glad," you smiled and hugged him again. "Now can we go to sleep?"
"Yes," Aktio laughed and lifted you into his arms. You giggled and let him take you to the bed, where he gently laid you down and laid down beside you. "Goodnight, beautiful."
You yawned and snuggled down next to him. "Goodnight... Akito..."