If I Fall Forever, Will You Be There To Catch Me?


I yelped as I splashed in the water, trying not to drown. Two arms wrapped securely around me, bringing me upwards onto someone's chest. I could breathe now, and I'm sure I was shaking.
Yeah, I definitely hate water now.
"Max, are you okay?" I heard Demyx's soothing voice right above me. I sighed and wrapped my own arms around his waist; then closed my eyes.
"Mhmm.." I made a mumbled sound and just sat there on his lap, enjoying it. For some reason, I forgot about the fact I was pushed in there.
Well, till now.
My eyes immediately popped open and I stood up in rage, facing the nobody responsible for me being scared shitless. Zexion and Roxas were now holding onto each other, trembling as they stared at me. They both wearily pointed fingers at each other, as if I didn't know who did it.
"Zexion. What. The. FUCK?" I growled.
"R-Roxas dared me to do it, I swear!" Even though he was whimpering, he still managed to splutter out his monotone voice.
"Ugh." I closed my eyes again and attempted to calm myself down. After about a minute, I heard loud whimpers.
"M-Maxin!! Stop!" I opened my eyes and looked at Roxas, who was being choked by one of my shadows. In a split second it sunk back in the water, under me; re-camouflaging itself as a lifeless, powerless opposite of light.
"Ugh.. I'm going to go take another nap. You morons are just too much work for me." I muttered, getting out. Axel got up, too, and walked out with me.
"Hey, Shadow. I need to talk to you." He whispered as he followed me to my towel-chair.
"What about?" I dried my face off and worked on my torso, eyeing him.
"Uhm.. About the past, I think?" He looked at the floor, biting his lip; as if he were trying to remember something.
"Well, what about the past?" I set the towel down and zipped up my cloak, even though it was soaking wet and felt like a sheet of lead being pressed down onto me.
"You left, didn't you? I mean.. You were here before. I'm getting weird flashbacks and.. Images of you.. Like memories, I guess. From a long time ago." I looked down and played with the zipper on my cloak; looking for a less obvious way to avoid his eyes.
"Uhhm.. I-I don't know what you're talking about. I think you're just daydreaming or you haven't had enough sleep. Or something crazy like that!" I laughed nervously, looking over at Demyx who was glaring poor Roxas and Zexion down.
He could be mean if he wanted to, man.
"No, I know they're memories, Shadow. I know that I've known you from before.." He looked at me sadly, and when I met his gaze, his expression turned mortified.
. . .
"You tried to commit suicide!" He yelled as he pointed at me. The other members looked at me with terrified expressions, which held more confusion and astonishment than I've ever seen.
So much for not being able to feel.
"Oh, God damnit, really?!"
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its anoooother one. I kinda totally went off track from what I have written in my notebook.. But we'll get back there in like 2 chapters. Maybe.
So did you like it?
I know I said 'later tonight' and its like 10 am where i'm at now.. but still.
i hope you liked it.(: