Being a Father Is Not the Same as Being a Rockstar

It's time to move out and move along

This was the last day Adie was going to be at home with us, the papers had been signed, the contract has been close, and Adie was leaving for good. Of course I was sad as baby bird loosing track of his mom, but I kept trying to be alright for the boys. Adie was saying her last good byes to the boys, and as they went up to their rooms, it was time for us to say our last good bye at this time. Adie was having fresh tears coming from her eyes and tears were coming form my eyes as well.

I finally apologized, "I'm sorry that this is a last good bye for you. I just want you to leave this house with this thought, I'll be here for you as your best friend and as someone that you could think about everyday. I hope you have an awsome life and you could see the boys whenever you want, I don't care. You have a special place in my heart and will always stay there no matter what, I love you."

Addie smiled and gave me one last kiss, she hugged me tightly after that and left out the door, a taxi waiting for her as she left. I waited outside until the taxi left and a small tear left my eye. I whiped it away with my sleeve and when back inside. I closed the door behind me and polpped down on the couch. I stared into nothing, just thinking about everything that happened at this moment. I heard someone go down the stairs and it was Joey the one who appeared into view.

He said in a low tone, "Dad, are you ok?"

From there, a steam of tears came from my eyes, Joey ran up to me and gave a hug, trying to calm me down. I felt like we switched roles for this time being, like I was the helpless son and Joey was the caring father. When i finally stopped crying, Jeoy gave me a kleenex and I whiped my tears with it. I just felt like a big mess and my oldest son was watching me suffer.

I finally managed to say, "I can't believe I broke up with her, and that I would feel this horrible."

Joey suggested, "Well that you HAVE been with her for a decade, who wouldn't feel that misserable, and dad you did the best you could, so don't feel so bad about it, you have us."

I smiled and thanked him, "Thanks joey, you made me feel a lot better, what would I do without you?"