Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


"what's wrong ?" Joe asked, when I reached him

"Nick" I said through my tears

"what happened ?" He was getting anxious now

"diabetes attack" I said

Before I knew it he was pulling me through the doors, and then asking a doctor about Nick.

"Tiffany go be with the others, they need you" he said to me, pushing me towards Serena's room.

When I came in, I quickly wiped my tears so they wouldn't be suspicious.

"Kevin do you want to cut the cord ?" the doctor asked. Obviously I missed the birth.

After he did it, the doctor took the baby, which didn't even look like a baby yet, away from them to clean it up.

I walked up to them. Kevin had gently kissed her lips and Ariel was just giving her a hug. I did the same when Ariel let go.

"what's wrong ?" she asked

was it that obvious ? I thought "nothing" I replied

"no, something is wrong. what is it ?"

I let out a sigh "don't freak, okay ?" they all nodded there heads "Nick had a diabetes attack, and I think I caused it" my voice cracked

"is he okay ?" Kevin asked, worried now

"well Joe was talking to the doctor, and then he made me come in here"

They were all silent for a moment "well Nick is a strong person, I'm sure that he will turn out fine" Kevin ressured us

"yea" we all agreed

"it's a girl" the nurse said coming back with the still non-looking like a baby baby

"yay !" Serena squeled clapping her hands together

"what are you going to name her ?"

"we're not sure yet" Kevin answered.
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wow, already 13 chapters. whew. hoped you liked this one. big stuff is coming up in the next few chapters. comments are appreciated <3