Status: Updates Every Friday :) Semi-Active (:

One Time, One Love, One Heart

My one life for sure

"Baby, you look hot," he moved closer, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in and kissed me, it wasn't a cute kiss either, it was a horny crazed teen boy kiss.
He moved his hand to my bra strap and unsnapped it, the latch snapped across my back, "Justin what the hell?! That hurt!"
He ignored it, he moved me over to the bed, I had no control over my own body.
He pushed me onto the bed, and got ontop of me, I pushed him off but he got right back on top.
"JUSTIN GET THE FUCK OFF!" I screamed, he still didn't listen, he just held me down as he roughly kissed me.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" it was my mom's voice.
"MOM SHIT FUCK!" Justin jumped off and ran out the door, I just sat there in a daze, my mom ran over.
"VIOLET! Are you okay?!" she asked grabbing my bra, I pulled it back on.
"NO, I was just, uh, almost raped, mom, I, I don't know anymore," tears were streaming down my cheeks.
She pushed hair from my face,"Sweetie, do you want me to call the police?"
I gasped,"Mom, just don't, just forget it, I'll be fine, I promise," she nodded left me to get dressed, I listened at her feet decended down the stairs.**
I have to call Jess and let her know... my thought stoped, Jess, I can't she's dead.
Tears welled in my eyes, I grabbed my pillow and screamed.
>>3 weeks later<<
Screaming girls, pushing into me, blowing my ear drums, I looked up at the stage, and tugged down my yellow Cobra Starship t-shirt, while the girl next to me, lowered her pink cami.
"This is for all the single girls out there, looking for that one guy, I love you all.." the voice.

"NO!" shooting up, I looked around, panting, I touched my hair, it was soaked, god.
3 weeks ago, I was almost raped, by a guy I thought I loved, and now, three weeks later, the news says he is in California for an apperence, will a girl have the same fate I did?, but besides that, the papers also said he had a new girlfriend, her name? Bekka, why does that not suprise me? I mean, I don't know. I'm done with everything.
"Violet, there is someone here for you," my mother's voice sang from below.
"Coming!" I shouted pulling on my mini jean shorts and black cami, I ran a brush through my hair, and shot downstairs.
"Heya mama, who is at the door?"
"Tell me, they are in on the couch, I told them to leave that you didn't wanna see them, but they refused."
"They?" I walked into the living room, and there was a boy, in a black flat bill hat, a dark blue american eagle jacket with white draw strings, and a pair of dark blue jeans, with a white t-shirt and etnies. And next to him was a girl, in a dark blue mini skirt and a low cut pink cami.
The boy stood,"Violet we really need to talk."
"Justin, just leave."
♠ ♠ ♠
fast, and I had a reason for it being fast, trust me
sorry it took so long.
what do you think?
the story will be ending soon :O and I shall make a sequel
Don't worry, okay :)