Status: Slowly Active

Regrets? I've Had a Few.


Sid kicked his feet against the cool cement wall and groaned. The drugs were beginning to flush themselves out of his system and the weight of his actions were starting to pick at the back of his brain. He couldn’t help but to rewind to the look of terror of Elanor’s face and cringe. She looked so scared and unsure of what to do; Scared of him.

“Fuck,” He mumbled, stubbing the cigarette out on the ground. “Stupid.”

This girl was beginning to affect him, in ways he didn’t want anyone to. She had weaseled her way into his mind and clung on to anything he thought of, changing it to her. His whole thought process was fucked, now. Because, of Elanor.


He froze, peeking over his shoulder. She was a mere three feet behind him. Her copper red hair was tied up into a bun, off her shoulders, revealing her slender neck. Her full lips were puckered; Something he noticed she did out of confusion. He had decided – She did that torture him. “What do you want?”

“Um,” She fumbled. “I just wanted to apologize.”


“Yeah.” Elanor nodded, slowly walking up to stand beside him. “I shouldn’t have talked to Johnny. I don’t want to jeopardize your friendship with him. I’m sorry.”

“Friendship?” Sid snorted. “What makes you think we’re friends?”

“Well, you’re in the same band and… You seemed like friends when we met.”

“Catchin’ on, yet?”

“You mean you and Johnny aren’t friends?”

“I was wrong about you, American Bird.” Sid drawled, rolling his eyes. “You really are the smartest one here, aren’t ya?”

“I’m sorry, alright?”

Sid sighed as he watched Elanor rise from her spot on the ground, shaking her head. He really needs to watch himself around her. “Oi, Elanor. Come back ‘ere, alright?”

“No.” Elanor mumbled. “I should be getting to bed.”

“What for? The party’s still goin’ on.” Sid smirked. “You won’t be getting much sleep in there.”

Elanor rolled her eyes, digging her fingernails into her palm. “I guess I’ll have to try, then, won’t I?”

“Just sit down, El.”


”Come on, sit down.”

“I said, no.”

“Stop bein’ a baby and sit down, Elanor.” Sid laughed, moving some hair out of his face. “I won’t bite. I promise.”

Elanor arched an eyebrow from his sudden mood swing. He had so many switches, she wasn’t sure which one would get pulled next. But, deciding against screaming and running, she made her way back over and took her previous seat. “Fine.”

”Good.” Sid grinned. “Now, speak.”


“Yeah. Talk to me.”

“About what?”


“Well,” Elanor smirked, lolling her head to the side. “Can I ask you a question?”

“I suppose.”

”Alright. But, be honest.” Elanor smiled, placing her hands in her lap. “What’s your real name, then?”