Status: On hold x

Two steps forward, one step back.

The Unexpected.

Why are boys so stupid and immature? I mean, it was just harmless fun. It's not like he was physically hurt or anything, he was only abit embarassed and It's not like everyone saw. So why over react like that! I just don't understand sometimes. People say that girls are confusing, did they ever once stop to consider that a boys mind is even more complex that ours. Well no, obviously not!

Anyway, enough of my internal ramblings, they're not interesting or helpful in anyway at all. They just make me even angrier and annoyed than I already am. Now the question arises however, why am I so annoyed, I mean yeah Reed went over the top but didn't I also when I stormed out the house slamming the door. Maybe I was unitentionally doing it for attention, maybe deep down I wanted the whole house to know I was in a mood. Okay so I know that's not true, but still, it gave me something to think about for a minute didn't it.

Only a few minutes after I made my dramatic exit from the house I heard the sound of quick feet behind me. Looking around I saw Gregor running towards me, worry evident on his face.

"S'up dude?" I asked when he was close enough, a quizical look crossed his features before he replied cautiously.

"I'm sorry about this morning, you shouldn't be in a mood with Reed... "

"I'm not in a mood."

"...because of something I did. I know he over-reacted but he sees that and is..."

"Yeah seriously I'm fine."

"...really sorry that he did. He loves you and is scared that... "

"Shut your mouth Gregor. I'm Fine. I'm not in a mood. I don't even know why I stormed out, I just did. So shush it yeah?" Stunned and not knowing what to say Gregor just let his mouth hang open, it was a picture perfect moment and I hadn't got a camera. Internally I began beating myself up.

Swinging his arm around my shoulder after a few seconds he smiled a goofy smile and led me into a Costa which we happened to be passing at that very moment.

"Can I have two coffee's please, one large and one normal." Gregor said after I told him what I wanted. Two cups full of coffee were handed to us, I was about to argue about who was paying until I remembered I hadn't got my purse. Smirking at me showing me he knew what I was thinking, he handed over cash to the woman behind the counter and told her to keep the change.

"You two make and adorable couple." The woman stated, a cheesy grin spread across her lips.

"We're brother and sister." Void from all emotionand a blank look on our faces we grabbed our cups and just stared at her awaiting a reply.

"Oh, I er... can see the resemblance." She stuttured flushing red with pure embarrasment.

Finding a seat we sat down and contained oour laughter, speaking formally the whole time we were in the cafe. Sometimes we shot evil glares towards the woman behind the counter who avoided our glares ashamed that she had insulted us. In reality she hadn't but hey, it was fun to mess with her.

"Come on darling sister, It's time to leave. I'll be sure not to come back to this place again! Good couple, what the hell!" Gregor ranted emphasising sister.

Swishing my hair I turned on my heel and marched out the shop, my hips swaying and my nose pointed in the air. Scowls from a few of the customers showed me that I had the stuck up bitch act perfect which just improved my day completely.

It didn't tae us long to return home, the walk was pretty much silent, we were still supressing laughter for reasons unknow, but as soon as we walked through the front door we just fell to pieces. We were clutching our stomachs from the pain of excessive laughter, gasping for air because of lack of oxygen and and kneeling on the floor with the inability to stand any longer. Our friends looked at us with faces ranging from confusion to worry to jealousy. Obviously it was Reed that was jealous but I decided not to think anything of it, of course it would only have me annoyed again.

"Guys, what's so funny?" Chrissy asked, her hair resembling an afro.

I was about to answer her until I noticed this fact, instead I decided to break into re-newed laughter at the sight before us. It looked like land of the living dead, they all stood there with dark circles under their eyes, their hair resembling manes and their shoulders slumped. Taking a few calming breaths I decided to look up again, once again I couldn't talk.

Eventually Reed stood me up and walked me out the room where I was finally able to catch my breath, I made sure to keep my eyes on the ground so I wouldn't start laughing once again. I was honestly in pain because of it, I also felt faint!

"Care to explain what was so funny?" Reed asked in all seriousness, only I could hear the faint amusment in his voice, he couldn't hide much around me.

"Well, first of all I was never mad at you. Second of all, Gregor took me to get a coffee once he met up with me and this woman right, she said we looked like a good couple," taking a deep breath I tried to stop myself from giggling, instead I had to tell the rest of the story inbetween the breaths I took. "So Gregor and I gave her this stone cold stare right and then he turned round, he turned round and said ' we're brother and sister!'. The look on her face was priceless. So we kept up this charade the whole time we were there, even walked home in silence, then we cracked. To make it worse, this house is like Night of the living dead!" By the end of the story even Reed was laughing, I expected him to storm off since someone said Gregor and I looked like a good couple. Instead he just hugged me and kissed my temple.

"Look, I'm sorry for earlier. I know I over reacted,"

"Don't worry about it. It's find. I love you." Smiling like a reatard he pressed a hard kiss against my lips before backing me up into a wall.

His hands moved under my shirt and rubbed small circles on the small of my back before he pressed himself as close as possible to me. Lying his head in the crook of my neck he kissed the sensative skin before pulling away and looking into my eyes. With a small smile he pecked me on the lips and left me to my thoughts.

Love radiated through my body, everything felt so perfect. This boy was the love of my life. Everything seemed so perfect. Little did I know my perfect image was about to be shattered. The doorbell rang..

"Becca? What are you doing here?" Chrissy asked, her voice colder than ice.

"Cee? Oh, I thought Reed and Sapphire lived here." Confusion laced her voice but it still had an edge to it, an emotion I couldn't place.

"I'm pretty sure they don't want you here Becca."

"Oh, hey Becca. Why don't you come in?" I offered kindly from behing Chrissy. It felt weird to hear her being called Cee again. We kind of dropped the nickname when Becca fell out of the equation.

"Oh thank you." Following behind me we entered into the kitchen. Everyone turned towards us and anyone who was wasn't in the band looked pretty pissed off at the new arrival, the band just looked confused. Of course they had never heard of Becca before, never met her, just didn't know her at all. They had no right to hate her whereas the rest of us did.

Nodding at her to show an unwelcoming welcome everyone turned away and started at their own conversations again, clearly showing her that they didn't want her here. The only person who didn't resume with what they were doing was Reed, walking up behind me he wrapped his arms around my waist and pecked my cheeck. Although it was an action we did every day this action spoke louder than words in front of Becca. It clearly stated that we were still together and still very much in love.

"I see I underestimated you. You lasted longer than I thought you would. Still, the future isn't set in stone, there's still time for you to break up."

"No offence Becca, but I'm not trash like some people." My statement was a play on the words she had previously said to me when she caught me and Reed kissing for the first time, if my memory serves me well I remember her saying something like 'Maybe you should think about how us girls feel when we're used and tossed aside like fucking garbage.' Just goes to show, I'm not garbage.

"Honey, don't kid yourself. I bet you know longer have the virgin status. He's had what he wants, it will all be over very soon."

"Keep telling yourself that sweetie. Now, If you're here to start a fight, please leave, you're making my house look ugly."

Stiffling a laugh Chrissy walked over to Ollie before resuming her glaring act towards Becca. Everyone else in the room now had felt silent, the tension in the air so thick that we were almost chocking on it.

"I'm not here to cause a fight as fun as that sounds, I'm here to warn Cee about her brother. Yeah, I may not be friends with her anymore but she has a right to know that he's out of jail you know. He has a restraining order against you so shouldn't come within reach of you but still, I thought it was worth the warning don't you?"

All eyes cast to where Chrissy was previously standing, when I say previously standing I mean she was no longer standing there but instead sat on the floor, her hands over her mouth in shock and her eyes wide with fear.

"Becca, when... how did you find this out?" In two strides Becca was crouched beside Cee, her arms wrapped around her in a tight embrace.

"I found out from my dad. He told me to tell you since he was working to get your brother put away an all. Apparently he was let out since he was good the whole time he was in there or something, dad said you could go talk to him if need be."

"No, no I should be fine. I have my friends to look after me, I mean, look at the great job they did with Sapphire!" Beaming proudly around at everyone Chrissy whiped a stray tear before pulling herself out of Becca's arms and relocating herself into Ollie's.

Taking one last glance around the room Becca stared into my eyes, I kept my face blank and hope that none of my emotions were shining through. Looking satisfied she smirked before strutting from the room, her hips swaying seductively. Unfotunately I noticed Reed's eyes on her arse but instead of telling him off I just walked away in a mood. That surely did dampen my good start to the day.
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Sorry, crappy chapter with a lot more speech than I intended. I shall try do a better update next time. love you all x