It all started with a locker door

it all started with a locker door

Jazz p.o.v

I got into my car with Billie and drove to the destination which was a garage, but not just any old garage I had converted into a home which was called ‘The love shack’.
The name was pretty stupid but well a touch of paint a few seats and fairy lights you create a great hang place, and with the right guy you create a love nest.
And Billie was the right guy.

When we arrived at the garage Billie turn towards me and smirked.
“Why are we here?”
I smiled at him and got out the car towards the garage doors.
I opened it up the smell hit me straight away.
“ damn them boys have been in here again it stinks of weed”
Billie walked into the shack then he looked impressed.
“Have to tell it to you Jazz you made this place look good”
I pushed him in the garage and closed the door.
I put on some music on full volume and turned on the fairy lights. The colours in the room reflected sparkly shadows on the wall this place was my favourite place in the world.
“You like Billie?”
He nodded and pulled me into him and kissed the top of my nose.
I kissed him back on the lips, are lips pressed together and it felt like heaven.
We made out passionately only removing from each other to breath.
He lay me on the cushion and got on top of me, he kissed my neck and ran his hand up my shirt, the coldness of his hands made me shudder with delight.
He took of his shirt and well the next part the room lived up to its name.

The coldness of the room soon changed to a higher degree as me and Billie laid together in each others arms.
I laid my head on his chest felling him breathing while he stroked my hair are grip on each other grew tighter.
We both looked at each other and our lips met again, he slowly pulled away.
“ Wow I like your sort of fun”
I responded by smiling at him.

The next few minutes we lay in silence holding eacthother.
Billie sat up and pulled me with him.
“So how long you had this place?”
“Oh ages really my brother gave it to me before he went to Iraq”
“His in Iraq?”
“Yeah, he is in the Armed forces”
He changed the subject quickly to what had happened in school.
“Why was that bitch saying Rape victim?”
I didn’t answer straight away.
“Because someone took advantage of me when I was drunk and so that’s how Layden was born.”
The night grew later until early morning.
We both decided to go home as we had school later on.
I drove him home and kissed him again in the car.
We said goodbye and he entered his house.

When I got home the lights were all of so I guessed people were asleep.
Layden was standing up in his crib he held his hands out and smiled as I entered the room, I picked him up and hugged him he smelled of baby shampoo.
I stroked his soft dark hair and kissed him.
“Mommy me eat on my own.”
“WOW good boy wow your getting a big boy”
“Me did a pee in big boy place”
“Did you well done baby”
He got back to sleep so I went downstairs, I noticed a letter for me on the side.
There was no stamp so it was delivered by hand.
I opened the envelope and out fell news paper cuttings.

As I read them my head felt weird I just had sex with a murderer.