The Day We Met a God, and a God, and a God, and a God, and a God, and a Git!

Joint story! Yay!
Don't know what's happening yet, just kind of random.
  1. Witty or Whimsical? It All Means the Same to Me!
    Title has no reference to the chapter WHATSOEVER. Just something random I came up with. ENJOY!
  2. The Foreman Reads the Verdict...
    BY CARIAD!!! Yay! It rules much more than my chapter.
  3. Pretty Damn BOSS Band Name...
  4. If You Believe, It's in My Soul
    Title absolutely no link to the chapter whatsoever. I'm useless lol. BUT CARIAD ISN'T!
  5. When Life Gives You Lemons, Throw Them at Chavs.
    Knee prodding and the principals office.
  6. This is the Best Day Ever
    IT SO IS
  7. And That's Why I'm Kiss-a-phobic!
    Yeah. Okay. Short chapter.
  8. What have we let ourselves into?