Status: I need one more comment before I update.

I Think I May Be Sorry


Vampire. That's the only word I could think at first. Matt's teeth were in my skin, my blood was flowing into his mouth. I didn't want this. And then, the pain hit.

It was just dull, at first. More of a throbbing. I wouldn't really call it pain, but it wasn't pleasant. Then it started to pick up, get stronger, until it became unbearable. It felt as if someone had taken a knife and drove it through my skin, twisting it around and pulling it out, then setting my throat on fire. I tried to scream, but all that came out was a whimper. But that was enough. Matt jerked away, the glaze covering his eyes fading away.

The pain receded, but I still covered the puncture marks with my hand. I sunk to the ground, shaking. I stared up at Matt, who was just standing there, a look of horror on his face. He looked down at me, his eyes pleading for me to understand. I was speechless though, no words of comfort could be spoken. In my mind, I was terrified of this Matt, but my love for my Matt was overpowering. I stood up, and wrapped my arms around him. Slowly, he wound his arms around me, and finally managed to whisper "I'm so sorry."

I just nodded my head, tears falling from my eyes. He pulled back when he heard me sniffle. He smiled warily, and wiped my tears away.

"How?" Was all I could say. My eyes searched his, trying to find an answer I knew wasn't there. He just shook his head, and pulled me in again.

"Let's not worry about that right now," He whispered. "Let's worry about why were here." He looked down at me, and I knew that somehow, he knew everything.

I tried to say something, but my words came out in a mess. "I, um- well, when um. I sorta- you know, my uh-"

Matt frowned, and pressed his lips to mine to silence me. I could taste my blood on his lips, and I held back a shiver. He knew it, too. He pulled back, and his eyes showed his apology. "The other day, when I found you here. Your dad wasn't the reason you were so upset," his eyes were locked on mine, searching, "It was because of your mom. The bruises are because of her. The way you limp, that's because of her. When you lay in your bed, crying at night. That's all because of her. And don't try to deny it, Raina. Because I know. Right then, when I um-" he paused, hoping I'd get the point, "Well, I saw. I felt your pain, and now I understand why you pushed me away. And I'm so sorry I never tried to figure it out before, Rai." Tears flowed down my cheeks, and I shivered. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders, yet something else had been added. I knew Matt was pissed. And I was scared of what he would do. "And just so you know, I can hear what you're thinking right now. And you're right, I am definitely pissed. And you shouldn't be scared of what I'll do, but she should." A low growl escaped his lips, making my heart race.

"This isn't your problem, Matt," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I deserve this. She's right, I am a disappointment. I'm a terrible daughter, and I deserve what she does." Matt stared down at me, a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"I don't ever want to hear you say that again. Got it?" His voice was laced with violence, and I nodded my head, fearfully. "Don't be afraid of me, Raina. I'd never hurt you, purposely."

"Purposely," I repeated. "That's what scares me, Matt."

"It hurt when I bit you, didn't it?" He asked. I nodded my head silently. "You were resistant then. When you relax, I promise you, it doesn't hurt. It's very ah-" He searched for a word. "Pleasant, if I do say so myself."

"And you would know?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me, almost smirking. "Oh. Right."

He placed his hand on my face, cradling it. "You have to have an open mind, Raina. Because most of the pain is in your mind, in the first place." I nodded my head.

"How do you become a vampire?" I asked.

"I could make you one, right now. All you would have to do is get a taste of my blood, since I just drank yours," He smiled.

"Would you?" I asked. He frowned, and shook his head no. "Please?"

"No, Raina. I can't. It's not easy, and I wouldn't want to put you through that. I could end up killing you, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

I nodded, and a thought popped into my head. "Are Zacky and Jimmy and Johnny and Brian like you?"

He sighed, and nodded. "We've been like this for a few years now. But that's all I'm going to tell you. That's all I can tell you, because I don't really remember what happened."

"Show me how it doesn't hurt," I whispered. He looked confused, but then he realized what I meant.

"You sure, Rai?" He looked unsure. I nodded, and held my head back.

He bent his face to my neck, and pressed his lips to my skin before he bit me. He gently clamped down on my flesh, his teeth breaking through. I kept my mind clear, thinking about how I wanted this. A warm, fuzzy feeling spread through me, and then it intensified, turning into pure pleasure. A moan tore from my throat, causing Matt's hands to make their way to the top of my shorts, pushing them down my hips. His hands rested there, at my bare hips, squeezing me. My hands made their way to his hair, and twisted into them, pulling his face closer to me. My breathing intensified, and I pushed my chest against him. He moaned on my neck, his teeth twisting in my skin. I let out another moan as the pleasure became too much to handle, and I squirmed beneath him, his name falling from my lips.

He pulled away, and I gasped.

"Told you so," He smirked. I stared up at him, gaping, my breathing shallow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooh. :) That took an unplanned turned.

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I'm not going to update unless I get two more comments. Kay?