Status: on pause for a moment

I'm Not What You Think


Jonathan tossed and turned trying to shake the dream that was following him. He woke to his canine companion jumping on his back, causing him to groan in pain.
"Boxer....dammit why did you do that?"
The dog looked at him with worried eyes as he pawed at Jonathan's face.
"Sorry buddy, you heard me sleeping right? I keep having the same dream, the one were my parents argue do you remember that one? Yeah that's the one."
Boxer barked back, pawing at Jonathan once more. Jonathan looked to his right to see him alarm clock read 6:50 AM. That's usually when boxer wakes him up from his dreams.
"Come on Boxer let's get ready for work, you think the boss would let you come to work with us?"
Boxer barked twice now jumping off of Jonthan onto the floor, the dogs excitement caused a laugh to escape from Jonathan.
"Do you think Jazzy is up? No she wouldnt be up at this time Boxer stop being ridiculous."
The dog ran into the bathroom with Jonathan right behind him.
He walked out now ready for work though he was tired, it was Saturday morning again meaning the whole day would be spent at the diner.
After school we worked as well, earning enough money to buy a camera and pay off some of his bills.
"Hey son are you going to work today?"
"Yeah dad I am, are you staying home?"
"No I can't you know work never stops for me, what are you going to do with the dog Jon remember it is still a puppy."
"You think Mr. Concorl will allow Boxer to come to work with me?" His father thought for a moment on what to do.
"I think George would allow him to go you know eore has a soft spot for cute things and Boxer sure is cute."
They both laughed as Boxer rolled on the floor in pursuit of chasing her tail.
"Ok dad I'll see if I can take her, see you later on tonight." Jonathan picked up his dog now walking out his house. Seeing Mr. Concorl outside he walked over to him talking to his dog hoping his words will convince the dog to look its best at being cute.
It worked.
"Oh wow when did you get this little thing?" Jazzy had just walked out the house, groggy and extremely tired but saw her father and Jonathan talking while her dad held the puppy in his arms.
"Well I was wondering sir if it was ok to bring the dog with me to work, it's just a puppy and my dad is working today as well so it still needs taking care of."
"Oh you didn't even have to ask she's welcome at my diner anytime hey maybe she can work for us as well." They laughed together and Jonathan felt a bit of relief.
"Jonathan why don't you take a ride with us that way you don't have to go in your car and back, I mean we do live next door to each other." He nodded in response taking Boxer back from him, he smiled at Jazzy who waved her hand in response.
"Looks like you're coming to work girl." Boxer pawed his face trying to wiggle free. Getting in the car now Jonathan felt the nerves rise, he has never in his life sat next to his boss whom is now his girlfriend's father. He was sure that if he opened his mouth he might throw up, something that would both embarras him as well as cause him to get nervous even more.
With much luck on his own the restaurant came full in to view, happy to finally see it he let out a mouthfull of air. The dog was just as happy to get out the car as it sat up barking. The cool air brushed his hair away from his face, causing him much pleasure as he let the dog roam around.
"What's the dog's name?" Jonathan snapped out of his daze, the cool air halting as he turned to see her.
" her name is Boxer."
"Wow, you sure know how to name them, considering she is a girl." He smiled at her, he so wanted to kiss her and tell her she made his day but with them outside he felt uneasy.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, just feeling a bit ill." Jazzy walked away from him, now joining her father as Jonathan trailed behind her, the dog running up next to Jazzy's side.
"Jazzy please be a dear and take over the stove, I have people to tend to." Jazzy took off her sweater as one of the guys whistled at her. Putting on her apron and tying back her hair she started to cook the eggs and the bacon.
Boxer stood next to her waiting for a piece of bacon.
"No way pup this is strictly for people, come back when you turn into one." Boxer barked in return.
"Ok fine just wait till it's finished will ya."
"Jazzy I need an order of egg whites with wheat bread, little bacon make it quick."
"Raymond stop acting like you're the boss."
"It makes me feel cool, besides your dad hired a lot of spanish people to man this restaurant you know we do it better mami so don't hate. I can't complain though he pays goood."
Jazzy laughed picking up a piece of bacon eating it infront of him, giving the other half to the dog next to her.
"See now that's not fair you wouldn't like it if i ate that infront of you."
"Don't hate Raymond just because you can't work the stove correctly. Now here take the order."
The others laughed together but halted as Jonathan came in the room.
"Oh shit you guys the other White man came in the room, every one quick turn away."
"Ha ha very funny."
"Aww you know we playing with you man, lighten up, oh wait don't then we won't see you. Hey Jazzy when you lose wonder bread over here come try out some real spices cutie, we know how to break it down."
"That's sweet Carlos, very sweet but I'll pass."
"She knows she wants some of this, I mean who could resist me."
"We can!" The rest of the guys answered him in unison.
"Foreal though Jazzy you need some Hispanic in your life, we make everything better."
"Hold up Carlos, I'm not Hispanic."
"You not?"
"Naw man, I'm from Bangladesh."
"Banga who? What you trying to tell me?"
"I'm Hindu."
"Oh shit, stop lying, look at that Jazzy come on it's either me or Taj Mahul over here."
"Would ya shut up and get back to work already, besides I pick the Hindu guy."
"Denied!" Laughter filled the kitchen as everyone shuffled to come back to work.
Orders kept racking in, as she kept getting hit on by Carlos and Raymond. Jonathan witnessed it and felt disrespected, but never said a word.
"Hey what's going on back here? It's lunch hour and I still hear you."
"Sorry papito pero we was just telling your daughter she needs some spice in her life."
"Stop hitting on my daughter Carlos, Taj take over the stove, Marcus and Juan take over the tables everyone else take a break."
Joy hit the room as everyone stopped their work to switch. Jazzy opened the back door holding it open as the door followed her, Jonathan watched her leave, deciding to follow her.
"I see my dog has taken an interest in you."
"I know, maybe she is trying to tell me to change her name."
"Highly doubt that." He pulled the chair closer to hers trying to figure out what was wrong today.
"Jonathan are you okay today?"
"Yeah I was just about to ask you that, you feel distant today."
"Well I guess we can say the same about each other then huh?"
♠ ♠ ♠
weird to end this chapter with dialogue lol but oh well baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do!!!

Speaking of babies i think i should do a chapter with a baby in it ~dun dun dunnnnn~ who's having the baby no body knows lmao