
Wind v.s Telepathy

I opened my eyes to see a huge crowd in front of me. I shook feeling nervous. I looked to my left and saw a tall scrawny kid. He saw me looking and gave me a nervous smile and looked away.

He looks about 5' 8". When he smiled I noticed that he had two buck teeth that was sticking out and big eyes that were too big for his small square shaped face. I looked at his shoes. He did a crappy job on tying it. The loop holes on the shoe laces were so big and loose you could probably trip on it. I felt bad for him he looked pathetic especially with those baggy shorts.

"Welcome our new trainees! Marline Harix and Kenny Blints."

The sudden booming voice frightened me I looked to my right and noticed the announcer that had called us up was right there.

"Since you two are both new. Let me break it down for you. Number 1) No cheating. 2) Try not to shed to much blood." She looked at the both of us. " The goal of the game is to make your opponent pass out, faint,surrender, or at least stay on the ground for a certain amount of time. Any questions?"

"Yea uh, when does the enviroment of this thing change?" I asked.

She laughed. " It always changes. The changings are occasionally unpredictable so you may never know."

We both nodded.

The anouncer smiled ."Let the fight begin!" The anouncer lady left the same way she came. Dissapearing in the ground like quicksand. A huge chorus of screaming and cheering then started.

I looked around my surroundings. It was still the rain forest. I hated rain forests. I actually dont hate it. Its just the rain puddles and the mud and dirt and the bugs makes me shudder.

Suddenly I felt a huge gust of wind blew at me. Causing me to hit the plastic screen and fall on the ground. I waited for the pain, but it didnt come.

"Oh yea. I forgot to mention since your wearing the protective suits you wont be able to break any of your bones. You will still bleed, but you wont break anything."

I looked up it took me a second to realize that the voice was probably coming from the speakers. I then looked down and sure enough I was wearing a suit. Red and black.

I felt another gust of wind hit my face. It wasnt strong but it kinda stung. I got back up to feel another gust of wind bring me down.

I looked around to find Kenny. Sure enough he was nearby flying giving me a nervous look. I glared at him. I swung back my arm and made a throwing motion. A tree flew past me and flew at him. Kenny dodged it but unfortunately for him a tree branch managed to get caught in his giant shoe lace loop hole and managed to bring him down with it. I winced when I saw how hard he landed. I jumped up and landed on a flat hard boulder. I raised arm and the boulder moved up floating in midair with me on it.

I carefully crouched over the boulder holding on with one hand. I flew over to Kenny and saw that he was on the ground, eyes closed. He opened one eye, took a deep breath and blew at me. The wind was so strong a flew off the boulder doing a back wards somersault in midair.

"Aaaaaah!" I yelled. My back hit the flat, hard, ground. I opened my eyes to see the giant boulder about to land on me, squashing me flat. I lifted my hand and roughly swung it to the side. Another boulder came up and hit the original boulder away. I closed my eyes and blocked my face hoping the second boulder wont land on me, for I was too tired to move. Hauling those giant boulders were hard work.

When I heard a thud on the ground I stood up and held on to the tree branch. In case. I flicked my wrist at Kenny sending up rooted trees at him. A lot of them managed to hit him. Leaving him bruised on the ground. He made a waving motion with his hands and a extremely strong gust of wind hit me. I held tight on the the tree. Soon my feet were off the ground. I held on tight. The wind stopped. I looked at Kenny. He was huffing. I moved and kept flicking my hands at him throwing bundles and bundles of up rooted trees and rocks and mud. I didint stop till I heard cheering.

"Congratulations on our winner. Marline Harix!!"


"You won." said a voice next to me. I realized it was that lady anouncer. She put a medal around my neck and gave me a pat on the back.

"Thanks." I said She told me to wave to the crowd and I smiled awkwardly.

Then both of us started sinking to the ground and all I could were muffled voices of peope cheering.
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Sorry if the fight sucked.
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