Status: Good (seth is laughing)

Howling With Seth

part 2: mainly warrior cats

Seth: Welcome to this new episode of Howling with seth!
*crowd cheers*
Seth: today, we will welcome Firestar, former kittypet, but now leader of Thunderclan! Then, straight from starclan, his former apprentice that ended up being medicine cat, Cinderpelt!
*Firestar pads in*
Seth:so, firestar, how does being a leader and ex-kittypet feel like?
Firestar:meow meow
*seth rubs the back of his neck nervously*
*leah walks in, carrying something*
Seth(whispering)" What are you doing here?
*Leah shrugs*
Leah:thought you might need this
*hands seth a cat collar*
*crowd cheers*
Seth: Does anybody know how to use this?
*shows collar to the crowd*
*crowd goes wild*
firestar: mew meow mew mew
*butterflysmile walks on stage*
Butterflysmile: Put it on the cat, he will talk
*Butterflysmile dissappears*
*Seth nods and does as he was told*
Firestar: finally! Thanks Butterflysmile!
voice of Butterflysmile in the ceiling: no probs!
*crowd cheers*
Seth: Ok, creepy. Firestar, can you repeat yur answer?
Firestar: Well, I sometimes still feel like I have to prove myself to some cats, even if I am their leader.
*Seth places his right index finger on his right ear*
Seth: This just in; Since Cinderpelt can't come, Yellowfang will instead!
*Yellowfang walks down from the cieling*
*crowd cheers*
Seth: Hello, yellowfang. You're not supposed to be here until two thirty!
Yellowfang: I know, but I wanted to tell firestar something
*firestar touches nose with yellowfang*
Firestar: what is it?
Yellowfang: Well, since my son was such a failure and that you're so much better, I want you to be my son!!!
*crowd gasps loudly*
Seth: Le gasp! Well, folks, that's it for today!
ceiling kitty: You will know on the next episode (chapter) of...
crowd(yelling): Howling With Seth!
*crowd goes wild!*
♠ ♠ ♠
To be continued... Not. Yeah, I'm just letting you hang there, just like that! lol. No, seriously, sorry for the wait! I've just been in the middle of a verry complicated moving experience.