Status: Active

A Twisted Friendship

Chapter 3

I was now sitting in the police station while Jason tried to figure things out. I dont think he believed me about the guy, but I didnt tell him about the time or place to get my sister. He was telling a man something when he looked over at me and shook his head.

I flipped him off knowing that it would tick him off. He frowned at me and I just smirked knowing that it had worked. I turned to look out the window because deep down I was scared. I had to meet them, I just had to get my little sister back. A silent tear fell down my cheek as I wiped it off fast.

Jason and another officer that I knew well, Whill, came walking over to me. Whill pulled up a chair in front of me and sat down and tried to grab my hand but I ripped it away from him.

"Look Frost, what you did today we cant let slide. You broke a kids nose and beat him up pretty bad. And on top of that you ran from an officer. What were you thinking kid." He asked me with a frown.

"First, im not a kid. Second, that kid didnt know what he was saying and should of shut up when I told him to. Lastly, I ran because I could and I felt like it." I said leaning forward until I was in his face and then sat back in my seat.

The thing about Whill that I like the most is that he has a short temper like me and doesnt take peoples crap either.

Whill stood up and picked me up by the shirt. Everyone in the room could tell he was angry and that just made me smirk more.

"Whats wrong Whill? A little hot headed like me. Ya know I think we could have been family in one point in time." I said with a laugh.

Apparently Whill didnt find it funny by the look on his face. He pulled me closer and got in my face. This man was almost like the long lost brother that Ive never had but wanted.

"Today is not the day to mess with me kid." He hissed.

"And today is not the day to mess with me. I just saw the guy that took my sister and you guys wont do a thing about it. He has Jaz, Whill, he has her." I said completely serious. "He has my sister and I want her back." I said with force as I pulled his hand off my shirt.

He just grabbed onto my arm and took me outside. I tried to wiggle out but it did nothing. We walked towards his car and he opened the door waiting for me to get in. I gave him a look and got in, I didnt want to fight now.

He got in and started the car. He drove in silence till we got out of town and he pulled over and turned of the car. I was staring out the window when he started to talk.

"Tell me everything." He said monotone. He cared for Jaz almost as much as I did.

After I told him the whole story he was quiet. He looked at me and the next thing I know is that he was hugging me. Tears feel from my face as I hugged him back. We stayed like that for a while until I noticed it was getting dark. We had talked about it and it helped me a lot.

"Frost, im coming with you tonight." I didnt want to argue so I just shook my head. He took me home and dropped me of. I went inside and set my alarm for one thirty.

I couldnt sleep, now I was thinking of her. Will they really give her back to me. I rolled onto my back as I stared up at my ceiling, I couldn’t take it any longer as I sat up and got out of bed. I put on my jacket and opened up my window. I stepped out of it since I was on the first floor and started to walk down the street.

Remembering the look on Whills face when I told him and no madder how much it hurts me I cant bring him. I started to walk to the place where they told me to meet them. I was walking down the street kicking a rock to keep myself sane.

I approached the alley and looked down to see no one there. Confused I looked down at my watch and it read that I was about an hour early. Slowly I walked over to the entrance of the alley and sat down. I leaned my head on the building as sleep tried to take me over. At the other end of the alley I noticed writing.

I got up and walked down there to find that it was a note addressed to me. They wanted to meet me somewhere else and to rip this up. It said to meet them there by three and it was already two-forty five.

Fear filled my eyes as I took off as fast as I could down the street and made a quick turn left and had to dodge some random car that I almost ran into. My breathing was getting staggered and I was tripping over nothing.

It was about two-fifty seven as I rounded the last corner at the edge of town. As I ran around the corner I stopped dead in my tracks.

They were all there, every guy that I had seen at my house and more. There had to be at least seven not counting anyone who I couldn’t see. I tried to catch my breath but nothing was working as they all watched me closely. I noticed now that they all had guns on them or in their hands.

I took a step forward just for them to all tense and lift their guns at me. Shocked, I raised my hands hoping they wouldn’t shoot me.

“Did anyone follow you?” The guy in the middle asked me. He didn’t have his gun raised it was sitting in a pouch on his hip. He took a step towards me and repeated his question. “I asked did anyone follow you.” His voice was calm.

“I…dooont th…ink sooo.” I stuttered as a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

“Check her for any weapons.” He told one of his man closest to me.

He started to walk towards me as I took a frightened step back. He raised his gun at me and I stopped moving. I knew better than to get these guys pissed. They meant business.

He approached me and started to search my body, patting my legs and stomach and back. It felt weird having this stranger feel me up but I didn’t take it the wrong way. He turned back to his, whom im guessing is his boss.

“Shes all clear.” He said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me forward. I was pushed forward and stumbled a bit and noticed that I was now in the middle of them all.

“Now that, that’s taken care of, let’s get down to business.” He said as I seen a guy pull out my sister from the black van.

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so yup, like I said im moving over all my chapters. So chapter 3