Status: Finished

Destiny Keeps Getting in the Way


I got home late because I covered for Marcela since she covered for me on Thursday. I got home at ten at night. I opened my door and just wished to go to sleep but I found Nathan in the living room.

He looked like he was watching TV but his mind seemed to be somewhere else.

“Hey,” My voice brought him back and he turned to me and gave me the sweetest smile. “Whatcha watching?” I took off my coat and dropped it somewhere.

I sat next to him on the couch.

“Just the Food Channel.” He said as he put his arm around me. “I’m really sorry about lunch.” He whispered.

I shrugged. “You got busy, it happens.” I said.

“I cleared my entire Saturday just for you.”

I bit my bottom lip.

“What is it?” He asked immediately.

“What?” I asked laughing a little nervously.

“You bit your bottom lip and that’s a sign of something is wrong.” He pointed out.

I turned a little red from the cheeks. “I kind of promised Dr. Albright I would work tomorrow, but just the morning.” I quickly added. “One of the regular midwives couldn’t make it… since she’s having her own baby so I said I could cover. I thought you were going to work tomorrow, I didn’t know.”

He smiled weakly. “It’s all right, it happens.” He said using my words. I don’t know if was a good thing or a bad thing. So I shrugged it mentally. He rubbed my arm.

“God, I’m so tired. I’m gonna shower and hit the hay. Are you staying?” I asked as I got up.

He nodded his head. “I’ll be in bed waiting for you.” He got up and pecked my lips. I walked towards the bathroom. I grabbed a towel and took my well deserved shower. When I was out I walked out in my Betty Boop pajamas. I dried my hair a little.

I saw Nathan in bed already. He was going over some papers. When he saw me he puts the papers aside and I crawled in bed with him.

I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.

“What did you do for lunch?” He asked.

“Um,” I said. “I had lunch with Marcela and the others.” I don’t know why I lied. No. I know why. Because he would make a big deal if I told him I had lunch with Peter.

He would take it to the head and start getting paranoid and tonight I just didn’t want to deal with it.

“Oh, all right. Well tomorrow I’m taking you out and we’re having a romantic night.” He kissed my head.

I was falling asleep when he said.

“Did you know Muse was in town last night?”

My eyes open wide. I cleared my throat.

“Really?” I tried my best to sound surprised.

“Yeah, we could’ve gone. Since their music inspire us both.”

“Damn, we should‘ve gone.” I said trying to say as normal as possible. “Next time.”

“Of course and I’ll do some calls so we can meet them in person.” He said.

I felt so bad. So guilty.

“Yeah,” I whispered clutching to him closer.

I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

In the morning the alarm went off. I groaned as I pried away from Nathan. I didn’t want to. My body felt so relaxed next to his.

Every time we slept together--not just physically--I felt like I could breathe.

I woke up and straighten my hair. Nathan was still asleep. His hair was stuck to his face and he looked so cute. I tied my hair into a low pony tail. I got my things and went to work.

I arrived just in time before it got busy. Saturdays were the busiest since it was the only time families could come together. I must’ve done about ten sonograms before ten o’clock. It wasn’t tiring to see the happy faces of future mothers and fathers and sometimes future big brothers and sisters, it was just the standing and sometimes the drama.

Like a cord around a fetus’ neck and having to do surgery.

The moms would know when something was wrong. It was something motherly I guess. At my break I went to the break room and made myself a coffee. Krystina--one of the midwives--walked in.

“Hello.” She greeted me.

“Hey,” I said back.

“I’ve noticed your accent. You’re American?” She asked.

I nodded. “Chicana, my parents are Mexican.”

She smiled. “That is so bloody wicked. I’ve never met a Mexican before.” She said.

I laughed a little. She made it sound like I was some kind of extinct species or something.

“Really? Have you ever had Mexican food?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I haven’t! You know how to cook?”

“Of course.” I said. “I was taught at a early age. I can make mole, enchiladas, pozole, tamales--”

“Ooh,” She jumped up and down a little. “I’ve heard of those… in movies.”

I laughed again.

“I’m going to make some for Christmas. I’m having a small party at my place on Christmas Eve, you’re welcome to come.”

“I would love to.” She squealed. “You’re Melinda, right?”

I nodded. “And your Krystina with a K.” I said.

She nods too. “I can not wait to have some tamales, why can’t Christmas get here any sooner?”

When I was done with my shift I went back home. Outside my apartment building door stood Devlin with his arms crossed and leaned against the door, like he was expecting me… creepy.

I gave him a weak smile.

“Hey you,” I said as I approached him.

“Afternoon, Melinda.” He said with his Irish accent.

“Is Lucy here?” I asked with a tone of bitter.

He caught it and chuckled.

“Not yet… we’re having a double date!”

I cringed and he laughed.

“I didn’t like the idea very much either, but Lucy and Nathan insisted.”

I groaned.

“Aw, Melinda,” Devlin said with fake hurt. “I thought we were growing on each other. You’re sure growing on me, lass.”

I gave him a hard look.

He laughs throwing his head back.

“I don’t get what’s so funny. Devlin don’t get me wrong but I don’t like Lucy. Her act is fake and I don’t know why she wants me in your wedding. When I first met her I hated her and she hated me. And why… would you forgive her?” I asked.

He frowned. “You know?” His tone was dark.

“Peter told me… is that bad?” I asked.

He looked away angry but then looked back at me with a different expression. It was like he was in on a secret joke that I didn’t know about.

“You must’ve been pissed at Nathan.”

“Well yeah, he was your best friend and he did that behind your back and he seemed okay with it---never mind. I don’t want to think about. I’ll just get more pissed.” I sighed taking big breaths.

“You want to know why I took her back?” He asked.

“You don’t have to--”

“I want to.” He interrupted.

I waited for him patiently.

He seemed to drag it out a bit.

“Lucy and I were childhood sweethearts and stuff like I had with her is hard to forget.”

I don’t know why I had the distinct feeling he was being forced to tell me this. So I just went along.

“Yeah, okay.”

A car pulled up behind us and surprise, surprise… it was Lucy. With her big blonde hair and her big boobs and her curvy body. The three of us went to my apartment. I opened the door and saw Nathan in the kitchen.

“Hey!” He greeted me with a peck on the cheek.

“I’m gonna go change.” I said pointing to my room.

He nods. I excused myself from the others and went to my room. I took out a pair of skinny jeans and a nice shirt. Nothing fancy since we were going to have lunch here with Devlin and Lucy.

Nathan had ordered Chinese and it was on its way. I slipped out of my scrubs and slipped on my jeans. I was buttoning up my shirt when the door opened and Devlin stood there staring at my chest.

My half naked chest. He didn’t even blush or tried to apologize. He actually smirked and winked at me. I turned my back to him.

“You’re a pervert who’s about to get married.” I said in a hiss.

He chuckled. “I’m still a man, Melinda.” And then I think I heard him say ‘And I liked what I saw’. But I’m sure my ears are defected because all of the metal music I listen to. “Food’s here.” He closed the door leaving me alone.

I couldn’t figure Devlin out.

I didn’t want to. Just another headache.

I let my hair down and brushed it. I walked out of my room and joined the others at the table. Nathan had already served me. I sat next to him and Devlin and Lucy sat across from us.

Half way through lunch Lucy… became the most stupid… blonde bimbo in the entire world.

“So Melinda how was the Muse concert you and Peter went to?”

I stopped eating. My heart stopping beating and my body stopped working. I dropped my chopsticks and stared at her in complete awe.

Did anyone else feel the tension? The silence that just came over the room was so thick I couldn’t breathe.

“I heard it was a great show. And you got to meet the band, how wicked must’ve that been?” She had a fake smile.
