A Wolf's Mate

A Pissed Off Samuel is Dangerous

“Forgive me, father. I have went against your law.” Kanashii says as tears fall down her face.

“Come on.” Samuel says as he grabs Kanashii by the wrist, and pulls her to her feet. To his surprise, she doesn’t have a problem with walking. He leads her into a steal building, and down a hallway with cages lining the walls. He stops about half way down the hallway, and leads her inside one of the cages before closing it, and leaving her there. She looks around the cage, only to see cement walls with a bed in one corner with a blanket and pillow sitting on it.

A week passes, and Kanashii is in a cage like she always is when Samuel isn’t home. She is pacing around inside when she hears someone.

*Who is that? I don’t recognize the voice...* she says as her ears twitch in an attempt to get a better position to hear exactly what’s going on. To her surprise, she actually doesn’t know who the voice belongs to. She starts to growl when the cage door opens, before instantly stopping and dropping to her belly when Samuel walks into the cage.

“How is my beauty?” Samuel asks, looking at her with a grin on his face. She whines, causing his grin to grow.

*No!* Kanashii shouts, shaking her head.

“You need breaking. So I brought someone in to do it for me.” Samuel says, looking down at her intently.

*I’ll never break!* Kanashii vows, holding her head off the ground in an act of defiance.

“We’ll see about that one.” Samuel whispers into her ear as he kneels down next to her, and runs his hand down her back.

“Is this here?” the ‘trainer’ asks, looking at Kanashii with appraising eyes.

“Yeah, this is her.” Samuel says as he stands back up.

“You wouldn’t happen to know her full name, would you?” the ‘trainer’ asks, looking at Samuel with a serious look on his face. Samuel shakes his head.

“Sorry, Buxton but....no. She hasn’t been here long enough for me to have figured that out.” Samuel says, looking down at Kanashii for a moment before turning back to the Buxton. Buxton sets down a briefcase, and steps into the cage. “You might want to be on your guard. She’s not the most friendly werewolf around.” Samuel says, keeping an eye on Kanashii while he talks to Buxton.

“Don’t worry about me.” Buxton says as he looks Kanashii up and down before turning back to Samuel. “Will tomorrow be an okay day to start working with her?” he asks, looking at Samuel with a questioning gaze.

“Sure. Tomorrow’ll be fine.” Samuel says, nodding. With that, he leads Buxton out of the cage, and closes the door before locking it.

*Damn my luck!* Kanashii shouts as soon as the door shuts.

*Kanashii, sweety, is that you?* a voice asks inside her mind. Kanashii’s head shoots up at the sound of the familiar voice.

*DADDY!?* Kanashii shouts, her eyes widening.

*Good! I’m glad you’re all right!* her father says with a sigh of relief.

*This place is horrible! Daddy! Can you come break me out?* Kanashii asks as tears begin to fall down her face.

*Sorry, sweetheart. That’s impossible.* her father with a sad note to his voice. Kanashii’s eyes widen in horror.

*It can’t be!* Kanashii shouts, shaking her head in denial. Suddenly, she’s knocked backward, causing her to hit the wall from the mental strike. She whines as she hits the ground. *OWWW!!* Kanashii shouts before getting to her feet, and shaking her fur out.

*You should know better than to telepathically talk to someone outside this building.* Samuel says as he stalks toward her while baring his fangs and growling.

*Damn you!* Kanashii shouts, baring her own fangs at him while growling as well. She jumps toward the bars of the cell. She hits them, and grabs a hold of one of the bars, biting down on it.

*ENOUGH!!* Samuel shouts after a couple minutes of Kanashii attacking the bars. She whimpers, and instantly goes down on her belly. He walks up next to her.

“Change back.” Samuel commands. Kanashii merely looks at him and growls while baring her fangs once again.

*CHANGE BACK NOW!!* Samuel commands in a stern voice. Kanashii reluctantly changes back into human form. She looks up at him, and her eyes change to the red of her mother’s pack.

“I despise you!” Kanashii shouts, glaring at him with her blood red eyes.

“You’re going to despise me even more PLUS be in a shit load of pain if you don’t revert your eyes.” Samuel says in a stern and commanding voice. Kanashii takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. When she opens them, they’re back to their normal two colored with her right being green and her left being blue. “That’s better.” He says with a smile. Kanashii takes a step back as Samuel opens the door. He walks up to her, and grabs her arm.

“Get off!” Kanashii says while growling. Samuel just laughs, and drags her out the door. When he gets her almost to his bedroom, she bites down hard on his arm. She looks up at him with she hears growling, only to see his eyes golden.

“Let go of my arm, Kanashii.” Samuel commands, still growling in anger.
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Here's the last chapter of this for today...I shall put a chapter or two up tomorrow. So, until then, I hope to see some reviewing going on! Thanks to all of you that do!