Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Fourteen




Austin was laying on his bed looking up at the roof. He was throwing his basketball in the air and catching it again. Occasionally it hit the roof.

Austin just felt so empty.


It’s been a week since Miranda left and he couldn’t take it.

His grades were slipping and he couldn’t keep his eyes open.

He was really upset.

She just admitted that she loved me too and then she goes off and moves. I know it wasn’t her fault but she could have stayed here with me… Austin thought throwing the basketball in the air and listening the loud noise it made when it contacted with the roof.

Austin heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs and his bedroom door was swung open.

He flinched and he bolted upf forgetting the basketball in mid-air. It came down and hit the top of his head.

Austin held his head and looked at the door.

His mother was standing there with her hands on her hips.

"Austin, honey, you need to leave this room. I know you miss her but you need to get out. It’s been I week and you need to move on." His mother said all at once.

"It’s not that simple." He replied.

"You need to leave this house is all I’m saying. Go out with the boys or play some basketball. Or you could even do homework. If you don’t you’ll make a permanent dent in the roof sooner or later." She finished and removed her hands from her hips.

"Okay fine." He said getting up.

"Good." She said walking out of the room.

Austin sighed and pulled on a sweat shirt. He grabbed his basketball and headed downstairs.

"Leaving." He yelled back behind him before going out the front door.

He pounced the basketball down the street. Pausing for a second at Miranda’s house. It look deserted like no one was there. Which was true during the day. But at night he could hear Miranda’s parents screaming at each other.

Austin continued down the street. Heading towards the park and the basketball courts. The sun peaking out of the many clouds in the sky.

He concentrated on the bouncing of the ball, nothing else. It seemed to calm him. Shut off his mind for that second. It felt nice considering the recent events.

Barley anybody was at the park by the time Austin got there. Just a couple of kids and their parents near the playground. Nobody else.

He ignored their presence and went the basketball courts.

Austin stared at the old hoop on the end of the court.

Just stared before he raised the ball up and flicked his wrist, letting the ball go.

He watched it cruise through the air and hit the backboard. Making a thunk sound before falling into the hole.

Austin smiled at himself and retrieved the ball.

He froze mid-step.

Did I just smile? He thought. That’s a first…

Austin got eh ball back and stepped back to the half way line, facing the hoop.

He took a deep breath and raised the ball.

He flicked his wrist hard and let the ball go air born.

It flew in the air and went perfectly into the hoop.

He sighed to himself.

I wish Miranda was here. My life isn’t complete anymore without her. Yeah I know that sounds cheesy but it’s true. I don’t know how she feels, I hope she feels the same way. I guess I’d be hurt if she moved on. But I’d be happy for her and I wouldn’t stand in her way.

I just hope that doesn’t happen
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay i know this is wayyyyyyyyyyyy boring!!! I'm thinking of new ideas! Help??
But i thought I'd write about Austin and his suffering.

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P.S. Sorry for any spelling errors