Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Sixteen


"Bye, have a good day at school!" Aunt Alice yelled as I opened the front door at stepped out into the cool morning.

"Bye." I yelled back and closed the front door.

I walked down the street towards the bus stop. Where there was already many people waiting. None of them I knew from what I saw.

They all stopped when I approached and stared.

I blushed red.

"Hey Miranda!" I heard a voice say from the crowd of people staring.

A head popped out of the crowd and I smiled when I saw Thomas.

He pushed people out of the way and made his way over to me.

"What’s up?" He asked finally reaching me.

"Nothing much, nervous. Everyone is staring at me." I said, whispering the last part.

"That’s okay. Their not used to new faces around here." Thomas replied.

"Oh okay then." I replied.

"Come here, I want you to meet my friends." He said taking my hand and leading my into the crowd.

He pushed back through everyone till we surrounded a girl and two boys.

"Guys hey. This is Miranda." Thomas said gesturing to me.

They all stopped and stared at me.

The girl was the first to react. "Hey, I’m Ellen." She said sticking out her hand.

I smiled and shook her hand. "Hey."

She seemed nice enough. Like everyone else she had on the regulation uniform. Her long thick dark hair was pulled into a high ponytail. She had on light make-up and lots of homemade woven bracelets around her wrist.

"These two dorks are Max and Will." Thomas said looking at the two boys.

"Hey, I’m Will." The taller boy said throwing my a heart melting smirk and a wink.

"Okay Will, don’t start hitting on the new girl." Thomas said putting a hand on Will’s chest.

Will put his hands up and backed off. He had the same uniform as Thomas did. Dark pants, white dress shirt and a blazer. He had shaggy blonde hair in a sort of surfer look.

I smiled at him and the boy who I guessed was Max came up to me.

"Don’t mind Will, he’s an ass." Max said shaking my hand.

I smiled and looked him over. He had the same uniform on but he had slick dark hair. His cute brown eyes could melt any girls heart.

"So, where are you from?" Ellen asked taking my eyes away from Max.

"California." I replied.

"That explains your beautiful tan." Will said smirking at me again.

"Okay Will, we get it." Ellen said.

Everyone laughed at Will.

I guess he was the man whore.

The bus soon arrived and everyone piled on.

The gang and I got the last five seats in the back.

We all squished together, luckily I was beside Thomas and Ellen and not Will.

I looked around and saw that %95 of the people on the bus were going to school. Only a couple of other people were hidden in the crowd.

I turned to Ellen. "What is the school like?"

"It’s okay." She repliled.

"More like boring." Thomas said hearing my question.

"The teachers are okay." Max added.

"The girl’s skirts are too long though." Will said.

Ellen and Max both hit Will on opposite arms.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked rubbing his arms.

"For being a pig." Ellen said.

"Aww come on Elle, you know you love me!" Will said throwing his arm around her.

"Yeah right…" She replied blushing slightly.

I met her gaze and raised an eyebrow.

She smiled and shrugged.

I laughed a little and shook my head.

'Now Arriving At St. Peters.' The robot voice in the bus said.

The bus came to a stop and everyone climbed out.

"St. Peters?" I asked stepping onto the pavement.

"Don't ask. All I know is its named after some dead guy." Thomas said.

"Oh thats uplifting." I replied.

We approached the school and I sighed to myself.

Here we go...
♠ ♠ ♠
I am sooooo sorry i haven't updated lately.
Total writers block!!
This chapter is short and stupid i know.
Intro to new characters. See pics on the characters page :)



P.S. - Sorry for any spelling/grammer errors.