Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

This is my problem(23)

It was almost a week after Marcus and I’s first kiss, and since then the flirting and constant snogging hasn’t stopped. I guess it must be because the festive season is upon us!

As I laid in bed on the cold winter’s night, I heard a knock, probably just Marcus.

“Hello?” I called slipping on my Slippers and reaching for the door.

I had a surprise when I opened it.

“I know about you and my brother”

“Uh…uh I don’t know what you mean?” I stuttered.

“Don’t play the fool with me, little girl.’’ Spat Summer. ‘’I see you all the time flirting and canoodling’’


I could see the venom rising up in her throat ‘’you almost killed him! How dare you be so frivolous!”

“But summer you are the only one who is still annoyed about this whole thing, I apologised hundreds of times and tore myself apart over and over again. I wish I could go back but I can’t, so what can I do..?” I said in harsh tone.

“You can not break my brother’s heart like you did Caleb’s!” she said in a harsh tone.
I stood there shocked. “And when, sorry how exactly did I break his heart? “ I walked towards Summer this time.

“Oh here we go again! You acting all dumbfounded! How can you not understand? Caleb loves you, he has always loved and you do this! With so little care you go off with his brother!” she whispered.

I looked at her, wide eyed and heart broken.

“I…. didn’t this, I haven’t seen either of them since I was 13! I haven’t spoken to them since then either!” I shot back.

“Of course you had no idea, of course. This is typical CJ, always so innocent, always ready to find another excuse!” She said, somehow this didn’t feel wholly related to the Caleb situation.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh like you don’t remember!” she scoffed, giving me evils.

“I don’t, I hadn’t spoken to you since I was about 8!” I was angry now.

“Well you obviously have a bad memory. You kissed my husband” she spat.

I stared at her dumbfounded being that Summer is ten years older than me I couldn’t understand what she was saying.

“Your husband? I have never met him!”

“Yes, yes you have. I saw the both of you at our wedding. Smiling, flirting and then when I walked into the bathroom I saw you two kissing by the hand dryers!”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” I looked at summer in all her beauty, she was 5’10 like Cindy Crawford with legs longer than the Amazon, and all this time she was mad at ME for apparently kissing HER husband.
“Oh give it a rest, I saw you. You had that horrible purple dress and that bow in your hair!” she hissed.

“I never wear bows in my hair, and at your wedding I was 15!” I retaliated.

“Oh really, well why don’t we check. I will go get the wedding album.” she left the room leaving me to pace slowly. I have never, not once kissed her husband. He was lovely and caring, too caring for a witch like summer; surely it had been someone else.

“Here, this is you isn’t it?” summer asked pointing to a picture of a girl in her photo album. The girl looked very similar to me.

“We have the same dress on but that’s defiantly not me!” I pointed at her blonde hair and then at her braces.

“Yes it is! Look same eyes, nose and mouth!” As I scanned the photo yes it did look like me. We had to be related but most of the features were not mine.

“That’s not me, I promise. I would never do such a cruel thing!” I saw summers eyes soften “Have you ever even asked your husband about what you saw, maybe he could give you some answers instead of you harbouring a personal vendetta against me!” My voice croaked, worried about Summers reaction.

“You’re right this isn’t you, how could I be so stupid! All this time I’ve had in my head that you were the little tart that kissed my husband but deep down I knew it wasn’t you, I just didn’t want to go around feeling dis-advantaged that I didn’t know who kissed him! “I looked summer deep her green eyes; she looked so much like Caleb.
But at least I understood now that behind this intimidating exterior she was just as vulnerable as other women.

“I hope you know that I would never hurt your brother and any harm I’ve done to Caleb has been purely accidental” I pleaded with summer as she looked at the floor. “I know it’s not what you want to hear but I can’t help it”

“I guess so. But Marcus and Caleb are my boys, and seeing either of them crushed would be utterly heartbreaking” she patted my shoulder, tainted with a mild taste of an apology.

“Night summer”
and with that we parted, inside knowing that we could never have a special bond that we were supposed to have but instead settling for an unspoken truce in which meant I could be with Marcus.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologise if this chapters not up to scratch, Im very tired and forced myself to update ouof courtesy for my feedback. Hope you all had a great christmas!

and im getting told off for spelling so bare with me :)