Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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Unkown part one

Unknown pov

He paced back and forth in front of the newly lit fire, determination on his face. The four of them sat silently surrounding him in a semi circle waiting for their next order. When the pack first came together it was only the two of them, that’s when he promised his only daughter to him, that’s when he brought in the other three.

His pesky son had started a pack of his own therefore our numbers needed to be greater. He stared around at the room taking in their new surroundings. They just arrived at this house a few days ago; it was close enough to her that he could smell her sent in the air when he was outside. This particular room was being used as Sir’s office/command post.

He did all of his business in this room. They believe it’s because of the ornate loops and swirls that dictate even the tiniest over hanging on each wall. The fire place was always lit, casting a glow onto the walls.

The walls were a deep red with gold lining, almost like old time movie theaters. Paintings decorated the walls, but everyone knew that they we’re just for keeping up appearances, why would they need paintings other than to make them look human. After a long day of showing their faces around town with sir, as his “children” and picking Princess up from work, they all just wanted to rest up but Sir called them into this room.

“So you are linked with him as well my sweet?” He finally spoke standing in front of the only female in our pack; her long blonde hair shaded her face and mostly her shame.

“Yes sir.” She didn’t want to admit these feelings; she knew that he would refuse her any rights to see him. Plus he didn’t even notice her he was too wrapped up in her to notice anything.

Sir frowned and then started to pace again but this time we saw the wheels turning in that mind of his. He thought to himself We were going to use this to our advantage, if we can separate them, I can have her and we will be the ultimate pack. We will rule, and no one can stop us.

“Meet with him princess, get to know him, seduce him, separate the link, then you may keep him.” He ordered and dismissed her with a kiss on the cheek. We all watched her click away, walking as fast as her heels would allow her.

“Sir…” He began until an intense pain hit his left cheek.

“You know the rules… I was not done giving orders.” He clucked his tongue and moved to the twins.

“Boys, you both have done great jobs on spying tomorrow you will start at the high school, along with you my son.” He smiled with pride as he said the last part, his eyes glowing on the oldest boy.

“Unfortunately princess cannot join you as originally planned she has been seen as a nurse, and what nurse goes to high school?” They all laughed with him knowing it was the smartest thing.

“Yes sir.” They agreed after the laughter had died.

“Go boys all of you, I need time to think. School starts at 7:40 AM so make sure you arrive on time.” Sir dismissed them, turning his back and heading to the desk. The three boys hurried out of the room, trying to be as silent as possible. After a few minutes in the long hallway the twins separated from him and headed to their own rooms.

His room was the only one on the fourth floor, well along with his future wife and child’s room. The house had gone silent you could only hear the faintness of his footsteps as he walked away and into the dark.
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Okay so this is only the first part of the "unkown" point of view. I'm going to post the second part as soon as i possibly can.
I love you all, thanks for the comments!
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Dorry lee♥