Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Oh My God Another One!

“What the hell is that noise?” I ask rolling over to remember Jensen is out shooting. “Who the fuck is calling me at three in the morning? What?” I nearly bark into my phone.

“Love you too sis,” I hear my brother scoff.

“You do realize it’s only three in the morning my time right?” I ask very pissed off.

“Shit I forgot about the whole time difference thing sorry. While I have you on here what are you doing this weekend?” Jeff asks laughing.

“Call me back when the sun’s up,” I say hitting the end button before sending my phone flying across the room.

“Please answer your fucking phone,” I hear a deep voice plead into my ear making me jump.

“Wha?” I ask after I stop freaking out and realize Jensen is home.

“Your phone is ringing, go answer it,” Jensen says rolling over.

“Oh. OK. Yeah?” I ask yawning once I locate my phone before crawling back into bed.

“Is the sun up now?” Jeff asks laughing.

“Yeah, but not by much,” I say yawning again as Jensen wraps his arm around me using my stomach as a pillow.

“Oh. Sorry. What are you doing this weekend?” Jeff asks as I hear Rosey say something in the background.

“I don’t know; I’m off though. Hang on a second. What are we doing this weekend?” I ask Jensen poking him.

“Nothing,” he grunts before pushing my finger away making me laugh.

“Apparently we’re not doing anything even though Jensen has to work during the day I think,” I say laughing as Jensen gestures for me to be quieter.

“Cool. Want a visit from me and Rosey?” Jeff asks as I hear their new puppy bark in the background.

“Yeah! I’m living with Jensen now so I’ll just come get you from the airport if that’s cool,” I say getting up and walking into the other room at Jensen’s grunting request.

“OK see you this weekend then,” Jeff says before hanging up.

“Babe, we’re having company this weekend,” I tell Jensen once I come back into the room.

“That’s nice. Come back to bed,” he says before grabbing my waist and pulling me into the bed with him giggling.

~~f.f a couple of days~~

“Are you going to be home in time to go the airport with me?” I ask Jensen on the phone.

“I don’t think so. We’re taking a break right now but I’m still going to be here for a while,” he says sighing.

“OK. Well, I’ll see you when you get home. Love you Bye,” I say slightly frustrated that I get to drive in five o’ clock traffic now.

“Bye love you,” Jensen says laughing at my frustration.

“Awesome. Where the fuck are me keys? Oh yeah peg board by the door makes sense,” I say rolling my eyes before getting into my car to face the horrible traffic ahead of me.

“Chris!” I hear someone yell to my right and look over to see my brother and sister-in-law.

“Hey! Oh my god another one? You’re pregnant! Why is everyone around me knocked up and married?” I whine upon seeing the bulge in Rosey’s stomach.

“Thanks Chris!” Jeff says rolling his eyes grabbing their bags.

“Sorry. Congrats! And sorry I took so long this traffic is a bitch,” I say sighing.

“No problem love. I’m four months along if you were wondering,” Rosey says smiling.

“Why didn’t y’all tell me? Well, let’s get back to the house,” I say smiling.

“All this one’s idea to keep it a secret swear,” Rosey says pointing to Jeff as we make our way out to the car and to the house.

“Baby, we’re home,” I yell throughout the house when we get there.

“In here babe,” Jensen yells from the kitchen.

“Oh, what are you cooking it smells amazing,” Rosey says walking into the kitchen.

“I’m making us lasagna and Chris one without meat,” Jensen says smiling turning around.

“Congrats,” he says pointing to Rosey’s belly.

“Thanks,” she says smiling. “He’s a keeper,” she whispers to me making me blush before I lead them to their room.

“So how long are you two in for?” Jensen asks at the dinner table.

“Just for the weekend; figured after my getting married stunt I owed it to Chris to come out here and tell her we’re going to have a kid,” Jeff says smiling before looking at Rosey making me smile to myself.

“Well, it’s appreciated I swear,” I say laughing throwing my hand up in the air.

“I figured as much,” Jeff said smiling.

“So how are things with you two?” Rosey asks trying to help me in the kitchen after dinner while the boys are in the living room.

“I told you I got it,” I say taking a pan from her. “Things are going really well. I hope it stays like this and my moving in curse doesn’t get me here,” I say biting my lip.

“I’m sure it won’t. He seems to really love you and you glow when he’s around,” she says sitting down on a bar stool.

“I really do love him, well, here’s to hoping you’re right about this relationship Rosey,” I say before throwing back my wine and we join the guys in the living room to the beginning of a very chill, much needed family weekend.
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