Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

I Feel Like I've Been Run Over

I wake up and hear yelling around me and see bright lights that keep getting brighter then dimming away. I try to rack my brain as to where I am but before I can figure it out the yelling around me gets louder then I slip back into unconsciousness.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slowly and painfully open up my eyes and discover I’m in a white room with dimmed lights. I go to move my head but a blinding amount of pain starts radiating at my neck and works its way up my entire face. Once I give up on trying to move my head I look down and see I have an IV and pulse oximeter hooked up to me.

Awesome I’m in the hospital.

I continue to look around the room struggling against my pain. I see a nurse outside my room and go to call for her just to realize I can’t open my mouth. At first I refuse to process this information and try to call to her again. Once again my mouth won’t open but I managed to get the nurse’s attention because she comes flitting into my room smiling; which was awkward and slightly scary since her smile was far too large for her face and vaguely reminded me of the big bad wolf in Little Red Riding Hood.

“Oh hun! You might as well stop trying to talk. You’ve got a broken jaw, fractured cheek and a horrible looking black eye,” she says keeping that eerie smile firmly in its place. “Are you in pain?” she asks walking over to my IV.

I wanted to scream, “No despite all the injuries you just listed off to me I’m feeling fine and dandy thanks.” Instead since my mouth is wired shut and I can’t communicate I simply nod my head.

“I’ll get you some pain killers. Be right back,” she says more swaying than walking out of my room.

I roll my eyes, which was not the smartest move since it hurt like hell, and continue to look around the room. I end up slightly frowning to myself once I realize I’m in the room alone. Really? No one’s here? I feel the love. I sigh to myself then the nurse comes back in and shoots some form of pain medicine into my IV which makes me drift back off to sleep.

“Oh my god! Look at her face!” I hear a voice that sounds like it’s far off in the distance.

“Damn! They said it was bad but I never thought it would be this bad,” I hear a deeper voice say lulling me into consciousness.

I open my eyes, quickly regretting it due to the brightness of my room, and look around to see Megan, Jared and Jensen standing around my bed. I go to slightly smile instantly regretting it as the pain shoots through again as I quickly grab my jaw, almost like a reflex, and discover how horribly misshapen my jaw really is.

“Love you look like shit,” Megan says with a slight laugh making me glare at her.

“Give her a little bit more time before you force your humor on her,” Jared says laughing.

“How are you babe?” Jensen asks sitting down on the side of my bed.

I, stupidly, go to talk and shake my head out of frustration. I look around the room and, somewhat, point to a pad and pen making a funny noise in my throat.

“You want the paper?” Jensen asks making me roll my eyes before he hops up and grabs the pen and pad handing them to me.

I take the pad and with some difficulty write down: “I feel like I’ve been run over. Where were you?”

Jensen takes the pad once it’s obvious that I’m done writing and lets out a slight chuckle at the first part and somewhat frowns at the second. “I was at work; we didn’t even know that you were here until about ten minutes ago. I would have been here sooner if I knew,” he says sighing and shaking his head.

I slowly move my hand without the IV in it and place it on top of Jensen’s trying to give it a light squeeze but fail in doing so and end up just flopping it around.

“Well, you look like you need rest so Jared and I are going to head home. I love you and you better get well soon,” Megan says shaking a finger at me in a motherly way making me smile.

“Do you want me to stay here with you tonight?” Jensen asks pulling a chair up beside my bed.

I slightly nod my head yes and try to readjust myself in bed. I hold my hand out for Jensen and he quickly wraps it inside of his making me smile slightly before I drift off to sleep yet again.