Status: Ended.

Marrying a Total Tool

Marrying a Total Tool Chapter 3

"Riley. Riley. RILEY!" Someone yelled in my ear. I on default threw my arm out and socked whoever it was someone on their chest, "Ow, Riley. Come on, we're here." That sounded like Liam's voice. Eh, screw him. He's a jerk. I continued to 'accidently' hit him.
"Riley! Seriously, if you don't get out of this car now, I'm going to have to carry you. And I don't want to break an arm."
My eyes went open, and I hit him hard, "Are you calling me fat?" I said angrily.
Liam looked disheveled. His hair was messy and his shirt was unbuttoned to the start of his abs, "Well I'm not calling you skinny so you better get up."
My eyes went wide and I felt tears hit them. No, I'm being a big baby. Don't let him get to you.
"Whatever." I threw him a glare and yanked the door open. I stood outside and immediatly shivered. What the hell? We weren't in New Jersey apparently anymore, "Where are we?" I asked looking at Liam who had just gotten out of the car.
"Connecticut. This is where my parents, and now us, live." Liam said slamming his door, "You're bags are in our room."
I raised an eyebrow, "Our room? What? I don't think so." I said angrily.
Liam glared at me, "Get over it."
I was taken aback. I don't get why he was so mean to me. It just really didn't make sense. He was so nice back home, well until the truth came out. Then he kinda got mean.
"Let's just go." Liam said gesturing towards the giant white house in front of me. It was litearlly giant. Well, bigger than my two story, two bedroom house.
"Wait! What about my friends?" I asked sadly.
"You mean friend? Sarina can live perfectly fine without you. Ryan is going to take good care of her." Liam said smirking. My mouth opened.
"No! Ryan cannot touch her!" I yelled. Liam just smiled.
"Oh Ryan won't have to worry about touching her. She's the one who will be all over him. If you haven't noticed, she's in love with Ryan." Liam said smirking. I almost started crying. How could Liam be so heartless?
"Don't talk about Sarina that way. She likes your friend because she believes that she can change him." I said crossing my arms.
"Oh shut up, she's a whore." Liam said rolling his eyes. I walked around the car and stood right in front of him. Liam, expecting for me to yell at him, smirked. I raised my hand and slapped him across the face so fast that he stumbled a bit.
"Asshole!" I yelled. Then I turned and walked as fast as I could towards the house.
Guin was waiting for me in the foyer when I walked through the front door.
"Are you ready to see your new room?" Guin squealed happily. I smiled shortly.
"Sure." I said sadly. I looked back and suddenly felt very homesick. Even though my mother was oddly okay about me going. I'm suspecting that she had been very ready for me to go. But I wouldn't know since she never really gavea crap about what I did.
Guin took me up the long staircase and into a hallway. We made three left turns and one right one before she brought me into a hallway with two doors on either side of the house. She led me into the left room.
Immediatly I saw a large white bed, a couch, and a large desk with two laptops. Then I looked around and saw the closets. I almost screamed. It was huge, and filled with my clothes, new clothes, and then there was a small section to the side where Liam's clothes were.
"I'll let you two stay in here and talk. It's almost night time though, so stay in here." Guin said from behind me. I turned around and saw Liam saying something to Guin.
"I don't care. It's going to be fine. Just try, please?" Guin pleaded.
A sharp pain hit my heart. I actually felt my hand clutch it. LIam didn't like me so he didn't want to be around me. He apparently really didn't like me.
I looked at the ground. I liked him. That's why this hurt. I liked him when I first met him.
I stayed quiet until Guin left. I stood up off the couch I had been sitting on and walked into the closet and found some pajamas.
"I'll go find a guestroom if you really don't want me here." I said angrily looking right at Liam. Liam looked up from the book he had been reading and stared up at me.
"What are you talking about?" Liam asked with an icy undertone.
I glared at him, "I know you don't like me okay? I heard you and Guin talking. I'm not stupid!" I yelled at him.
Liam stood up, "You have no clue what we were talking about! I'm sorry okay?" Liam yelled.
I reached behind me at the desk and grabbed whatever hit my hand first. A pencil. I threw it at his head, hoping it hit him.
"Don't even try! I hate you! You stupid asshole!" I yelled and I ran out of the room and stormed down the hall. I heard Liam following me but I didn't care. I went into the first room I found and slammed the door, locking it. I sat down on the floor against the door and put my head in my hands.
This wasn't going to be a good marriage. I knew that already. And tomorrow was the start of day one. Day one of the painful rest of my life.
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Thanks for all the comments. And regarding someone's comment saying that the mom and dad weren't upset about Riley leaving, I couldn't put that her parents were prepared for Riley's leave. But thanks for telling me, cuz im glad tht i cud put tht out there. Thanks for the readers n the feedback!