Three Creatures and One Human. What Could Go Wrong?


Just as he was about to sink his teeth into me he was pulled away from me and thrown against the wall. "What the hell are you doing?!" Dimitri yelled as Nate helped me up. "You told me to solve the problem!" Drake yelled back.
"I didn't mean kill her!"
"Would you make up your mind?! Do you want her here or not?!"
"I want her out of here but ALIVE!"
"You could have told me that little detail!"
"I didn't think I had to! It was a little obvious!" they bantered back and forth.

"Don't worry, they fight like this all the time" Nate said. "Come on, while these two fight, I'll show you where you'll be staying while we figure all of this out" he told me as we left the room. We walked down a long hallway and stopped at a door. Nate opened it and the room was beautiful. It had everything the other room had, except the curtains and sheets were dark purple. "I'm going to let you get settled in. I'll be back in a little while" he said before he left and closed the door behind him.

I started pacing and pondered to myself. What had happened? Am I hallucinating? A bit insane? Am I in a dream? Could these creatures actually be real? Ok that's, obviously, not it. There is no such thing as vampires, nekos, or demos...right? Then again, I was just about to be cleansed of my blood. I don't even know what to believe! I laid on the bed. A couple minutes passed by, and I heard a knock at the door. "Come in" I yelled and the knob turned. In came, Dimitri I think his name was. "Hey, sorry about that big scene. Don't mind Drake. He wouldn't of actually hurt you. He was just trying to show off" he explained and I nodded. "k" I simply said and he looked at me weird. "What's the matter?" I asked and he shrugged. "I don't know. You were almost bitten by a vampire and you're taking it pretty well" he said and I shook my head. "You don't think that I actually believe you" I said and he rolled his eyes. "You're going to have to believe us eventually" he said and I shook my head again. "No. I won't. I'm going to go home and pretend like this whole thing never happened." I told him and he let out a sigh. "What?" I asked.

"I didn't want to tell you now, but, you can't go home" I couldn't believe his words. "What are you talking about?! I have to go home! My family, my friends, they'll all notice that I'm missing, and eventually start a search and find me" I started to panic. "Misty, no one is going to find you because we're not in your world, and..." he didn't finish "And what?" I begged that he continue "And everyone thinks you're dead" he coughed out and I was speechless. I didn't say a word. There was an ackward silence. "You're going to have to live here now" he added and I just couldn't believe this. "Why are you doing this to me?" I plainly asked. "You've been to our world, seen our creatures. You can't go back. It's sort of the law. Once a human transfers worlds, there's no going back, and the creatures who brought the human here is the one to be responsible for that human" he explained and I just couldn't put the puzzle pieces together. "I swear I won't tell. Just please let me go home! Please! There has to be some sort of loop hole!" I begged but he shook his head.

"I'm sorry. Misty, you're going to have to live with us now. We promise we'll make you feel right at home" he said and I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. "We promise we'll try our best to get you back with your family. But for now, you're stuck here" the more he said it, the more it hurt. "You promise you'll try to send me back? Swear?" I asked and he gave me his word. "Fine" I agreed, but the tears were still coming down. Yes, I'm starting to believe them. "Ok, a couple rules." he said and I listened. "1. Never go into the woods by yourself. 2. Don't trust anyone in the woods, unless me, Nate or Drake say you can. 3. Try not to piss Drake off. Remember, you're still human. 4. EVERY SINGLE FULL MOON you must be in your room with the door locked tight by midnight. That's pretty much it" he finished. These were simple rules to follow.

I thought about the last one for a second. "Why by midnight?" I asked. "Don't worry about it. Just do as I say" he said and I nodded. He got up and headed for the door. Right before he left he said one last thing. "Tonights a new moon" Were his last words before he left. I was lying on my bed just thinking everything over. While I was thinking, I got the sudden urge to go to the bathroom. I looked at the clock and it was 11:45. I thought that I could run to the bathroom and be back in fifteen minutes. I walked out and found it in about two seconds. Getting back to my room was the hard part. I started looking through all types of doors. The house was huge. When I heard the grandfather clock strike twelve, I started to run.

As I was running down the hall I felt someone grab my arm and pull into a room. I looked and saw that it was Drake. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I asked as I was calming down. "Why aren't you in your room?! Didn't Dimitri tell you that you had to- - - -AHHHHHHH!!" He fell to the floor screaming in agonozing pain before he could finish his statement. I backed up. After about ten minutes, he got back up as if nothing had happened. "A-a-a-a-re you okay?" I stuttered and he chuckled. "I'm fine. Now run along and go back to your room" he said and I did as I was told. I got to the hallway and started walking. I then felt someone grab me and pull me into the room. It was Drake again. This time he had locked the door.

"You didn't think I would let you go that easily, did you?" he laughed evily. Now I was terrified. He cornered me into the wall and pinned me there. "As I said before, if you don't move, it won't hurt as much." he said before he showed me his fangs. In that instant, he sunk his fangs into the side of my neck. I felt him sucking the life out of me. I tried to scream, but I instantly grew weak. The more he drank the weaker I got. After what seemed as an eternity, I felt him being pulled off of me. I slid down the wall and collapsed. I felt someone at my side. "Misty, don't worry. You'll be fine. Just lie down" I heard Nates voice. I saw Dimitri grab Drake by his neck and about to punch him. The most unbelievable words came out of my mouth. "Dimitri! Let him go. It wasn't his fault." Those were the last words I said before I blacked out.
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Second chapter! Please message and comment. I want to know how it's going so far. Thanks for reading =]