Status: I'm back and update will happen.

Say Goodbye to the Light, Say Hello to the Night


All though we’re family we have our own groups we hang out with at school. Rueben and I hang with the gothic crowd. Maria and Asher are in the popular group while Grace and Bronx are with the skaters. ‘Hi Willow’ Ashley squealed
‘Hi Ash’ I smiled
‘Um babe where’s you chocker’ Rueben asked
‘Oh crap I must have left it on the dresser’ I said
‘So do you want to start or will I’ Rueben smiled
‘1’ I said
‘2’ Rueben said
‘Willow’ Gloria called
‘Yes mom’ I said
‘You chocker you left it on the dresser’ Gloria smiled
‘Thanks mom’ I said
‘Now go enjoy your first day’ Gloria smiled walking away

Rueben and I waited until Gloria was out of ears range and broke out laughing. ‘I heard that’ Gloria thought
‘Sorry mom’ I thought back ‘She heard us’ I told Rueben
‘Damn she’s got good hearing’ Rueben said
‘I know’ I said
‘How old is your mom’ Morgan asked
‘42’ Rueben said
‘She looks good for her age’ Ash said
‘Tell me about it’ I said
‘She doesn’t look like you’ Bron said
‘For the hundredth time we’re adopted’ I rolled my eyes
‘Oh yeah’ Bron said

The bell went and we headed for class. Now as you have learnt there are five of us in our group. I stopped out side my first class which happened to be biology. I gave Rueben a quick kiss before walking into my class. ‘Try not to eat the pig’ Rueben thought
‘I can resist I’m sure’ I thought

I walked in and the pig’s where laid out on the benches. I looked around people where starting to get there lab coats and goggles. I grabbed mine looked for a desk to work with. ‘Hey Willow over here’ Bronx thought
‘Bronx what are you doing in this class’ I asked
‘Well this is my science class this year’ he said
‘Great well I guess we can be lab buddy’s’ I smiled
‘I’m not complaining’ Bronx smiled
‘Okay does everyone have a lab buddy’ the teacher called
‘Yes sir’ The class called back
‘Okay well get started the sheets there with instruction try not get blood everywhere’ he called
‘And don’t eat the pig’ Bronx laughed
‘Do you have to mention that’ I snapped
‘Sorry it’s the funniest thing I ever heard’ Bronx laughed

I slapped him up the back of the head and set to work. Last time I dissected a pig I hadn’t hunted in days and blood squirted out on my old lab partner. I could stand it anymore I jumped on the pig and began to drink the cold bitter blood. Everyone started screaming. Right after that we left moved on to the next town. ‘Okay so first we cut down the stomach’ Bronx said
‘Yep’ I followed his hands with my eyes
‘Now let’s look at the organs shall we’ Bronx said

I spend the rest of the lesson and the rest of the day almost watching Bronx. We are in all the same classes and half of things we done to day were prac introduction classes. Pretty much a boring day, it’s like the hundredth-millionth time I’ve done the classes. Sure it gets boring but I don’t really look old enough to go to college. I’m 207 but I look 18 I guess because I was changed at age 18.

I walked out of the school grounds after final bell and waited for the others. Soon everyone had arrived; we all started our walk well more like run home. Once we were far enough away from the school we would run the rest of the way home. ‘I WIN’ I yelled
‘You always win’ Bronx said
‘And your always loud’ Asher said
‘You just can’t stand a girl beating you’ I said
‘Well how about we play bowling on the Wii and see who wins’ Asher changed
‘You’re on’ I smiled
‘We’ve got see this’ Grace giggled

We all ran inside and to our rooms dumping our bags before running to the lounge room. ‘Hi children’ James said
‘Hello father’ we all said
‘I’m sorry to have to tell you this but we’re leaving’ James said
‘Why did someone find out about us’ I asked
‘No we have been summoned as a family to the council of Watchers’ James said
‘Why what did we do’ Bronx asked
‘I have no idea we where told to be at council chambers tomorrow night’ James said
‘So when so we leave’ Asher asked
‘Tonight under the cover of darkness, we’ll run back it will be quicker’ James said
‘And our stuff’ I asked
‘It stays, the council will move it for us if need be’ James said
‘Yes father’ we all said
‘Now hurry and pack a small bag each we haven’t much time’ James said
‘Yes father’ we all said taking off

I ran to mine and Rueben’s room. I didn’t bother grabbing my cell or laptop, I mean why bother I’m most likely gunna end up in some ugly castle. I decided on packing a couple changes of clothes, hair brush, tooth brush, make-up and underwear, Oh and my Jewellery. When my bag was packed I dropped it by the front door and headed into the lounge room. ‘Father how long before we have to leave’ I asked
‘We have an hour’ James said ‘But we will leave when everyone is packed’
‘Yes father’ I said

I walked back into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took out a small bottle of blood. I had downed it in a few seconds. Soon almost everyone had arrived down stairs and was ready to leave. We all placed our bags on our back before each take a large bottle of blood. We all drank a bit before placing our bottles in our bags. James led the way as we walked from the house. James locked the door before turning and running up the street we all followed James. I can safely say it was faster running. By 11:30 we had reached the Pennsylvanian border. From there we ran to the council. The council resides in Pittsburgh of all places. I can tell you know it’s not a nice place. Now I was wrong about the castle but the place still was what I thought. James lead us to a bar where we meet two boys who lead us to the council. The council lived in a manor of sorts. They had found or built a manor that was quite hidden from the rest Pittsburgh. ‘Your rooms will be in the third corridor’ one of the boys said ‘The maid will show you to them’
‘This way’ a lady said

She took us to our rooms. They were set up much like our own only better. Rueben and I at least had a better room. The walls where jet black, the bed had blood red sheets on them and cover was jet black with blood red swirls. ‘I love this room’ I said
‘Yes it’s very beautiful just like you’ Rueben smiled
‘Well aren’t you charming’ I smiled
‘Can’t I be for the one I love’ Rueben smiled

I walked up to Rueben lifting my self on to my tip toes before connecting our lips. We just stood and kissed for a few minutes. We would have kissed for ever if Asher hadn’t burst in. ‘HELP SHE’S TRYING TO KILL ME’ he yelled
‘What did you do to Maria this time’ I asked
‘I uh I put Nair in her hair brush’ Asher winced
‘So her hair will grow back in a few seconds’ I shrugged
‘But she’s still mad’ Asher said
‘Were is she’ I asked
‘Ah she was chasing me’ Asher said ‘Can I just please hide here for a little while’ Asher asked
‘Sure why not’ Rueben said
‘Thanks’ Asher said

He bolted into the cupboard and hid. A few seconds later Maria burst in the door. ‘Where is he’ she asked
‘Not here’ I said
‘His in the cupboard’ Rueben whispered
‘Asher I know you’re here’ Maria called
‘I told you his not’ I said

Maria walked over to the cupboard door and opened it. I laughed at the sight in front of us. Asher was trying to hid between the clothes but was clearly visible. Maria grabbed him by the ear dragging him down the hall back into there room. Once they were gone Rueben and I broke out laughing. I was always a funny sight watching Asher get into trouble.
♠ ♠ ♠
so it was a while is the making. I finally have an idea for this story.

I would like to thank I think Im adorable for his help.

comment anybody

has anyone noticed that I'm always thank I think Im adorable and he sometimes thanks me....