Status: I'm back and update will happen.

Say Goodbye to the Light, Say Hello to the Night


“What’s our first case” father asked
“Return home and gather your things you’ll be moving to a new house” Balfour said
“We shall send a messenger when you are needed” Lilybet said
“Where is our new home” Father asked
“Once you are packed we shall let you know” Balfour said
“Thank you sir we shall await your notice” Father bowed before leaving

We claimed out stuff before running back to our home. Once there I was unsure of how we were to pack.

“Father must me back everything” I asked
“Yes my child pack your things first then we shall work on the other things as a family” Father said
“Okay father” I said
“Also Willow call me James like the others do” James smiled
“Yes James” I smiled

I moved swiftly to my room. In my room a found a pile of boxes, slightly confused I looked a Rueben who was already packing his stuff. I began to place my things in the boxes working at and in human speed. I just finished my stuff when James called for us.

“My children the Council Hench men will be here soon to collect out furniture” James said
“Rueben and I have our stuff packed already” I said
“Go with Gloria and help pack the kitchen” James said
“On it” We raced off

Reuben and I raced around the kitchen collecting our things and packing them up. Mostly it was just blood and raw meat. As soon as that was packed we were told to go pack up the lounge room. Once we had finished the lounge room the other rooms had been cleaned. Just as we finished the Hench men arrived to take out stuff. Moving in and out of our house at inhuman speeds they placed out furniture into 2 large trucks as well as all our boxes. We were then instructed to climb in with our items. Let’s just say it wasn’t the most comfy of trips.

We climbed from the trucks looked at the house before us. It was large Victorian manor yet it was oddly out of place between modern buildings beside it. Heading in side we found a note on the front door. It told us to unpack as we would be getting our first job soon. The Hench men once again moved all our furniture into the rooms which we selected as our once our stuff was in me went about setting up. Rueben and I had an attic room on the very top floor. Our room had a bathroom attached. Gloria and James were on the bottom floor in a bedroom that also had a bathroom. Also on the first floor was the kitchen dinning and lounge room. The second floor housed Grace and Bronx there bedroom was at the back. The bathroom on that floor wasn’t connected to the bedroom but it was there. The second floor also had an extra room which would be turned into a game room. The third floor had Maria and Asher they had a bedroom with a detached bathroom and there floor also had hidden room which we were told about. Balfour instructed us to place our blood in there.

Then there was the forth floor which was really just the attic which you already know about. Once everything was unpacked we moved down to the lounge room to wait. A few minutes are finishing up an envelope fell through the mail slot. Grace moved swiftly to the door picking up the envelope and brings it to the lounge room. She opened the letter and began to read.

“A group of werewolf’s have been causing trouble in Idaho they are using the now abandoned Idaho state penitentiary we want you to go there and try to talk them into laying low if that doesn’t work kill them” Grace read
“James what are we going to do” I asked
“Well I guess we have to do what they say” James said
“When do we leave” Rueben asked
“Night fall” James said “We’ll run down to Idaho, from which we’ll go speak with the wolfs see if they’ll talk with us”
“If they don’t” Maria spoke up
“I guess we have no choice but to kill them” James said
“What will we do with the bodies” Asher asked
“Depending on how many there are we my just leave them in the building” James said
“Come on let’s feed we’ll need it for tonight” Gloria smiled

As vampires we should drink human blood. Our family does but once every so often. We try to drink animal blood most of the time. That’s why we keep raw meat. Tonight I guess we will be feeding on humans we’ll need all the strength we can get. We left house splitting in two’s to find our humans. Seeing as it was day time we decided to stick to the shadows. We would have to be really careful with who we choose. Only people who not be missed were to be taken. Staying in alley ways was the best option. Rueben and I managed to find two fat slobs lying in an ally. We took one each and making sure we stopped before we killed them. We cleaned up before leaving to find the second course.

After what seemed like an hour but was more like 3 hours everyone was ready to go home. We went back to our house.

“We never played bowling” Asher whispered into my ear
“Your so on” I smirked
“Hay did I hear that game of bowling back on” Bronx asked
“Sure did” I said
“Hay Grace, Rueben and Maria bowling is back on” Bronx yelled
“Let’s go” I said running off

We all meet up in the game room ready to go. Bronx, Asher and I were going to play. For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet. Bronx, Asher and I are the ruff ones. We get along great. At home it’s pretty much Bronx, Asher and I involved in ruff play while Rueben, Maria and Grace sit and laugh. James and Gloria never interfere I guess because they don’t mind.

Bronx set up the game making his self first no big shock there. I was second and Asher was last. All in all we usually have close games. This game was no different. I ended up in first but a point ending with 203 followed by Asher with 202 and now miserable Bronx with 190.

“How do you two get those scores” Bronx pouted
“Brother dear swing softly” I smiled
“REMATCH” Bronx yelled

We set up again and started our game. We must have play at least 12 times before James told us it was time to go. I won 6 of twelve games, Asher won 5 and Bronx won once almost put a hole in the floor jumping around. On our run to Idaho Bronx keep complaining about how he couldn’t work while Asher and I said laughed like hyenas cause Asher to run into a tree and Me into Bronx sending him into a pile of rocks. All out war broke between the three of us. Not like a bad war just a game. We were being told by James to stop it or we would be sorry. Note never disobey James you will regret it. Like one time Bronx and I were wrestling and I sent him through the wall then he came back at me sending my through a window. James told us to tone it down. But we didn’t. No hunting for a week then on top of that we had to fix the damage and we were grounded. So now we listen to James.
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XD I posted the same chapter twice. Why didn't anyone tell me. Anyway changed them around hope you like.